University of Miami Admissions?

In past years when do they come out? I know they said early April but does anyone have any idea of when they posted them in the past?

Also do you think I’ll get in? 27 ACT and 4.5/3.38 GPA. Applied for political science regular decision

My DS received his admissions letters via email yesterday.

for regular decision?

I had a 30 act with a 3.5ish/4.6 gpa
I got waitlisted EA

@toris565 almost identical stats also waitlist - any word on waitlist or tips?

@pozvibes idk why they didn’t defer the EA people.
I think what happened is that many people with extremely high stats applied because the application was so easy. The thing is…a lot of those people with the 35’s on their ACT with a 4.0 GPA may have better offers and will choose to go there. University of Miami might find themselves with a lot less people committing than they thought…just my opinion though.


don’t know how to interpret this gpa