University of Miami ED 2

I applied ed2 to miami and have an uw of 3.09 and w of 3.34, but a 640 reading and 780 math and pretty solid ecs is it too much of a reach for me I’m stressed

& can the admitted students post their stats

Yes you have a shot. A 1420 is very good and can make up for your gpa. Still a reach but you have a chance, especially with a good upward trend and ecs

@strafed did you get in?

@ihateschool1234 yes, i got in ed1 luckily. my uw gpa is the same as your w (obv my weakness in my app) and I had a 29 on the act. I go to the most selective private school in my state, had very good ecs, and essays. but definitely was a reach for me. hopefully that’s some motivation

@strafed it is a little thank u sm

I was accepted ed with a 3.7 uw and a 30

I also applied ed2 with a uw gpa of 3.7 and a 30 on my ACT. good luck to everyone!