University of Miami Transfers Fall 2013 Facebook Page

<p>Hey everyone, I just made a University of Miami Transfer Student Fall 2013 page just for a less formal way of talking, asking questions, and getting to know other transfer students! Whether or not you've made your decision to go to the U, join! :)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>In high school i never really took school seriously because i dealt with so much every year. 9th grade i lost my first girlfriend and i was too depressed to try, 10th grade my goodfriend and neighbor committed suicide, 11th grade my best friend got hit by a car and died, and now im in 12th grade. I have no one to blame but myslef for not showing what i am really capable of as far as grades go. I Know I’m smart as far as grades go when I try. </p>

<p>My dream school is, and always has been, the University of Miami. However, in my 4 years of highschool, i have an 80 average to show for myself. Clearly, that’s not an acceptable average for a 95 average university. i applied anyway and got denied but i wasnt upset. I am about to graduate highschool in 2 months and im headed in the right direction as far as success goes. I have the determination, drive, and will to succeed and get admitted into the University of Miami after one year at a local community college. My question to everyone is, if i maintain a 93-95 average overall in one year at a community college, do i have a good chance of being admitted to the University of Miami as a transfer the next year?</p>

<p>I have a goal and ill do anything to accomplish it, i just need people’s advice on what else i should do to almost guarantee me acceptance.</p>

<p>@Delgavibro, Really random thread to ask that, but you got to translate that into GPA and also knowing your major would be good. Also, you have to understand if you can’t pay most of the $61k tuition, it’s not be going to be a viable option, transfers don’t receive a lot of their needs met, the scholarship/grant pool for transfers is quite small… I’ve only received $14k in grants and scholarships. If you can find a way to pay for the tuition that would be great though. Also, I’m not sure how many credits you need to transfer as a sophomore. Anyway, if you are serious about putting in work and everything, I am sure you will be able to get to the University of Miami, keep your head up and whatever has bothered you in the past, that’s the past, today is today, make sure you seize what it has to offer.</p>

<p>An 8.0 average is a 2.5 on the GPA scale. What I am aiming for is a 3.9-4.0 ( that’s a 94 or higher).</p>

<p>I really appreciate the advice and tips, anything else I should know?</p>

<p>@delgavibro, yeah you’ll most likely get in. well, i don’t really have any tips other than to just work hard and maintain your grades.</p>