Chance Me - Transfer Student PLEASE!!!!

<p>Hey guys I currently go to a cc and plan on transferring to UM in the fall, however this whole process is stressing me out. UM as always been my dream school, but now I want some intake on my chances and what I could improve to have a higher chance of get in.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.65 or 3.71 (depending on my next class grade A/B)
Major Pre-reqs Completed: All except Calculus
Intended Major: Business Administration
Credits: 45-48</p>

<p>Ecc:Member of PTK and two other clubs</p>

<p>Awards: National Engaged Leader Award</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Varsity soccer in high-school, Basketball team in high-school</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: None</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: 30+ hours</p>

<p>Personal Statement: Good </p>

Appling for Financial Aid?: No
State (if domestic applicant): FL
School Type: Community College
Gender: Male
Attending Transfer Admit Day? (if admitted): Yes</p>

Strengths: Upward trend
Weaknesses: No job experience</p>


<p>I am also a prospective transfer student… I think you have a pretty good chance because according to the school’s website, the average GPA of accepted transfers is 3.4 and the acceptance rate was 59% for 2012-2013.</p>

<p>Oh that’s great!! what gpa are you applying with?</p>

<p>I don’t think I’ll be applying anymore because of various factors…too far from home, never been to the south, etc. But I am applying to other schools…so good luck to us :)</p>

<p>fingers crossed!</p>