University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

At Cornell they have a choice to take Matlab or the Python based course. The CAS and non CS majors take Matlab, the CS and Engineering students take the Python based one generally. I can’t say if my daughter has any experience with Matlab or if it’s ever been needed for any other course since that’s not a prereq where the other one is.

Yeah I definitely don’t care about C’s. We were told everyone at Cornell in Engineering gets C’s although we are still waiting. This may be the semester though! lol I don’t really care.

The CS projects can take hours upon hours especially if you don’t have a partner which is the problem my daughter ran into. SHe forgot to sign up with a partner by the deadline and is now stuck doing it by herself and running out of time. That is her problem but if she does poorly on the project it is not going to prevent her from getting a job or anything really. Other than learning not to make that mistake again.

It looks like the Ap credit gets him into EECS280 and he was told to try to take it with EECS203 whatever that is if not first semester then at least by second semester. He also though has to make sure he doesn’t leave the intellectual breadths until the end because that would really make him miserable. Having so many credits coming in also makes no sense for him to go to cc and take some dinky credis because what’s the point?

Those science classes being 5 hours make it so hard on the kids as far as having little flexibility. Are any classes just 3 hours? None of the engineering requirements seem to be? It would be nice to throw some of those in there to lighten up the load.

Are advising and registration the same day? I hope there’s enough lead time for students to meet with their advisor, look through the courses/times and then determine what they want to take.

@srparent15 I can’t speak for engineering classes, but of course there are many 3-4 unit classes. The LSA course catalog is online, if he’s looking for a non-engineering course.

As I remember, the advisor and your S will meet and “hack out” a schedule and get entered into the registration system, but changes can made all the way up to and thru classes starting. Just get those popular classes registered, because the best class times and teachers go very fast.

Uh oh! Mine could have 25 credits depending on next month test results, so that is another thing to add to my list to keep track of. Thanks for the heads up.

They go into more depth. If it’s easy for him great but it’s a challenging class

For a first year, what do you consider the ‘popular classes’ to get registered in quickly?

They are at the same time and everyone gets through it alive. Lol… He will be fine

I don’t know what major your kid is interested in, but for example, the freshman Bio sequence of 171-172-173 or the Math sequence of 215-216-217 (MV Calc-Diff Eq-Linear Algebra), etc. Same for freshman Chem, Physics and Orgo, etc.

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It can also be Calc 1 physics 1 or 2. Chem 1 etc. But don’t worry about it at all. Your child will get their class’s. My son had 2 class’s that he was the first on the waitlist for freshman year. He had his orientation in August
He petitioned the class and was accepted. Just paper work. The school that year were holding class spots for internationals that were registering the next week… Plus keep in mind… Students drop these classes usually after the first quiz. Sorry but true… When I called engineering (yes, I was that parent for a few weeks… :rofl:), they told me they haven’t lost a student yet and all students that should graduate… Do… :wink:

Linear must be more of a soph class because I was looking it up today and there are not a large number of seats left like some of the other math courses. I vaguely recall this was the same when my daughter was considering taking a placement test for calc 3 at her school but was ultimately too lazy which was actually the right decision.

I did find out that Engr100 doesn’t need to be taken first semester because they offer different labs first semester than second so some may find what they’re interested in only during second semester. So also something for kids to think about.

For those wondering about housing and how long that process takes. The website says up to 3 weeks after the wolverine access and email is created but my son said he received the housing information today just less than a week so it was fairly quick. I am so thankful I have a boy on top of things after having a boy (my oldest) who was and is as slow as molasses! :wink:

All of this. My son is waitlisted at UM and LOVED the campus when we walked around a few weeks ago. We committed to Univ of Washington tonight and are moving forward as if that is where he will attend.

Still, if he gets off the UM waitlist it will be a tough decision. My wife and I are both UM alums and we still have family there. UM would be about $17k a year more than UW though after the merit money from UW. UM is the better engineering school but not certain if it’s $70k over 4 years better plus he’d be a long flight away from home rather than a few hours drive.

Good luck with your decision.

Did they ask about roommate info or just preferences for where to live?

UW vs UM for CS?

Washington is a fine school for engineering. Think it’s in the top 20. There are great engineering schools in the top 50 and beyond. For most schools especially engineering it’s affordability then fit and feel. Your son depending on what type of engineering will be working with students that went to really well known programs and programs you never heard of. Just have him work hard, get involved in campus life and activities and have fun. Good Luck.

I need my son with me to go through it all because you have to fill it out to get to the next page but at least from the first page it asks for whether you’re a smoker, non, allergic or preference to be in a substance free dorm, what rate type, and if North Quad is first or second choice. Nothing about roommate yet that I could see, but I believe it’s there. You also can make changes up to a certain date.

I think you mean North Campus.

North Quad is Central Campus is has generally been reserved for returning/continuing students. But, if you can get North Quad as a freshman, then GRAB IT. Awesome location right near “downtown A2” and nearly new facilities.

Your S will get a job either way and I’m sure the job will pay similarly. D thought about attending UWash (among other schools), since we got a P&G scholarship, but ultimately chose Michigan, for the rest of the college experience, which you know all too well.

The are two Linear Algebra classes. Math 214 is “Applied” for engineering types and Math 217 is for math majors, considered the “Gold Standard” and it’s more theoretical and is essentially all proof-based. There’s a HUGE difference in workload between the two, with Math 217 being much more difficult.

Sorry, correct. I think it asks more specifically about Bursley (or whatever it’s called) not North Quad. But in any case, it was meant as North Campus (I have quad in my mind for all the other dorms) or Bursley on N Campus.

Also is there a specific dorm that is substance free? If so, do you know which one?