University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

I think the whole vaccine/mask thing is something where you just can’t please everyone. All public colleges in Georgia are open 100% in person, no vaccine required, no mask required although “encouraged” for the unvaccinated, classrooms and sporting events completely full with no spacing or distancing etc… Many are happy with the stance for various reasons, whether they are vaccinated and feel protected or not vaccinated but don’t want to wear a mask and everything in between, but others are uncomfortable and taking a gap year for this reason.

At this point, the policies are likely set and if you don’t agree with it then there are, like you point out, plenty to take their place!

If you click on the link of “89%,” the link takes you to a March 12, 2021 news release.

A lot has changed since 3/12/21, so I think if you want up-to-date LSA course info, assuming one is an LSA student (I don’t know where to find CoE specific classes), then the LSA Course Guide is a current source of info.

Thankfully, we’re in a better place now and hopefully we’ll continue to get better as a nation.

As @srparent15 said, the teacher/student ratio numbers are not necessarily meaningful. I teach at a university that reports a 16:1 ratio, yet my sections are never less than 40 students. Some disciplines (music, nursing, etc) and levels of study (Ph.D. seminars) have tiny class sizes, so the university throws those into the average and it balances out the big intro classes with 300 students. It’s pretty typical to have large sections for intro and popular courses, because they can assign a professor to them for minimal lecture time and have TAs cover lab/discussion sections and handle grading and communication with students (but then boast that the course is taught by a professor). It’s efficient, and I’m not criticizing, that’s just how it’s often done.

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Personally, I find/found it useful when comparing various universities. The CDS also lists the number of sections and subsections between various sizes of classes.

For example, how many classes are under 99 versus over 100. Also, 0-49 and 50-99. Of course, YMMV.

Hi… congratulations! My daughter was also accepted into the January SMI program. Although she was all set at another University she is going to go to Michigan, it was her first choice. I too would like to connect with families in the same situation. My biggest concern is housing. I am new to this forum, and not sure how user friendly it is, so feel free to email me if you would like to connect.



I haven’t been on this site in a long time- Just got on to search for housing stuff.
FYI-- I decided on UMich- Sport Management and will will be starting in just a few weeks.
Thx for all your help.

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For those coming in for the Winter Semester, there are numerous students who are leaving the dorms for private housing and looking for incoming transfer students to take over their housing contracts. You should have your parents join the Parent facebook groups because they’ve been “advertising” for months.

These are some of the best dorms on Central Campus as well. Surpised these kids are moving out, but everyone has their reasons.

Welcome to UM. @49edison

Try coop housing

It starts and ends with the school year. Most have chefs and come with utility and internet. More house /dorm like but most very fun. 14 on central campus and 1 on North. Usually cheaper then other housing and many have food left over its like free lunch.


Off campus approved housing.


So just looked for winter for coops. Just a few left but might not be updated. Check out the houses that make sense. Prices are around $700 /month full in…