University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

If it is 1.5x or 2x more - stay with UT Austin.

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Regarding affiliation or disaffiliation of Greek life at UMich, there are still MANY that continue to be affiliated:

Article on six disaffiliations in 2018:

There are very few frats affiliated with the school and many who have left on their own, or have been kicked off and just reformed under different names. There are a lot of them. This year especially there were a lot of frats and sororities kicked off for 2 years due to violating covid protocols.

They also do have rush in the fall, but it is of course “unofficial”. Boys are already getting bids now. Crazy and it would be nice if they all did it the right way, but they don’t and many don’t care. The good news is that it’s not a school that one has to be involved in greek life.

It’s neither

Have heard this a lot, especially more so lately. Have also heard the GEO is a lot of the reason they are having less than 90% of in person classes this fall and that a lot of them are refusing to even come back at all, etc. Not sure if they’re saying they’re going to strike again like last year, but not sure why they are allowed to have so much power either. It would’ve been a hell of a lot easier if they just mandated the vaccine for everyone instead of those living on campus and encouraging it for everyone else.

Also, it’s not about the ratios. Everyone knows those are bs. Because most freshman won’t have classes of those sizes because of the huge lectures most of them need, which are not in person anyway. Classes great than 100 are remote. I hate when colleges spew that stat because it’s a bait and switch for parents as many kids, other than honors students, never see a class like that with the exception of maybe an early discussion that might have 15-20 students and possibly later courses, but I’ve never paid attention to that regardless.

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Thought he was planning on doing the in state tuition work around thing at UT, which would make it much less, wouldn’t it? UM is a great school but hard to justify the premium cost when your alternative is in state tuition at a top tier school. Not to mention the Michigan winters!!!

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Yikes! I didn’t realize they were not in person in the fall! I have a friend with a son at an expensive T20 LAC and writing that check for online classes has been an infuriating experience!!

I provided a link above with an updated list of AFFILIATED frats and sororities. The list was updated 6/02/2021 and contains almost FIFTY (50) frats and sororities, including my D’s.

You can’t get in state at Texas until after freshman year and there’s a whole process for it. At that point it would be significantly less, but when comparing freshman year to freshman year it’s not and there’s a chance to transfer or transfer within UT to a program like McCombs as well.

If you’re from a cold climate already, which he is, then the winters aren’t so bothersome to many of us ;).

But yes correct, overall the cost in long term can be a factor and lots of unknowns with this being the first year of program as a spring admit IIRC.

Many are in person, but there was a recent article published that something like 89% are in person. I was surprised as well considering a good portion are vaccinated, but this schedule was made before any vaccine requirements were set, etc. People keep hoping things will change but there is apparently a lot of push back. Mine got all in person but he did a lot of research and took the time to do so to ensure that he had in person classes. He also doesn’t mind any mask requirement either if that’s what has to be. There’s a lot of push back in all scenarios, but people just need to deal and if they don’t like it, don’t send your kid. For every one that doesn’t come, there are plenty who will take that spot.

So, you mentioned your S is taking Calc. According to LSA Course Guide, here’s the status (remote versus in person)of the lower division non-honors math classes:

Math 115 Calc 1 IN PERSON
Math 116 Calc 2 IN PERSON
Math 214 Linear Algebra IN PERSON
Math 215 MV Calc IN PERSON
Math 216 Diff Eq IN PERSON
Math 217 Linear Algebra IN PERSON

I don’t see any sections that are being taught remote, according to the LSA Course Guide, which I’ve used to help my D choose classes over the years.

Another example, the Intro to Biology sequence of 171, 172 and 173 have both remote and in person sections.

Here’s the current list of fraternities that are affiliated. 12 frats only. There are of course social fraternities, etc but that’s not what I was referring to when I said fraternity above and Greek life and rushing.

Here’s a list of recent recognition changes. Current Recognition Changes | Fraternity and Sorority Life (frats and sororities)

I’m not willing to call the information contained in the Common Data Set BS. Otherwise, then all of the info contained in it is not of any value. And I guess I’m not everyone, I believe the CDS is accurate.

What’s your point? I never said one way or the other that he’s taking Calc having anything to do with remote or not. His math course isn’t even listed in that list anyway.

Regardless, the point was the article mentioning that 89% of classes were in person and the rest were not. I never said which classes were in person or not. I have no idea what classes are in remote, other than his are not and that a lot of people are complaining about their kids courses being remote.

My point is simple. What’s your point about 89% of the classes are in-person? I get the feeling that you’re unhappy with UMich and your S has all in person classes as a freshman. Can you post the article?

That’s a list of 12 frats affiliated with the IFC (Intra Fraternal Council), not the University.

Organic Chemistry (Chem 210) is a VERY popular class in LSA, possibly one of the most popular since it’s a pre-med prereq. According to the LSA Course Guide, all classes are in person.

His class is an Honors math course. I listed only non-honors courses, which have larger class sizes than honors courses.

My apologies to the readers of this waitlist thread. I’m WAY off topic.

For those who are considering taking their spots in the spring class and for you since you asked where the article was here it is. The good news is they faculty at least understand the need to be flexible as students as a whole transition from remote to in person. Hopefully that’s university-wide as many freshman have also been coming from remote learning situations. Also, good news if all faculty feels this way, but no one knows until they’re in those classes.