University of Michigan

I am a high school junior. I moved from a south asian country in 2016 and I go to a Public school in Detroit. I have SAT 1320(math 710, reading and writing 610) and gpa 4.00(all regular classes because my school doesn’t offer honors. but I will take AP bio and AP English next year and that is all my school offers.) What are my chances of getting into University of Michigan, College of Engineering?

Are you considered an in state student or international student?
For CoE, you need a stronger test score, particularly in the Math section score. Have you tried ACT?

No, I have not tried ACT. I am considered as an in state student. Is 710/800 a good strong in math? Should I take subject tests too?

Also, Will lack of APs in my transcript matter?

710/800 is good enough in math, I got in CoE this year with a 700/800 in math. you should still consider retaking the SAT because the score as a whole is still pretty low for u of m

How many APs did you take?

I got into the CoE Early Action from out of state this year with a 650 math2 and 700 math 1. However my regular sat math score was 760.

710/800 in Math section score is below the mid 50 range of CoE, particularly with the new SAT score scale. It is like 680 in the old SAT.

Engineers often do better on the ACT because of the additional science section.

@billcsho Will lack of APs in my transcript matter?

@TooOld4School It is difficult to compare ACT and SAT when a school give different weights in different section scores. Most people are just using the official concordance table for the composite score comparison. CoE pay less attention on the Writing score in old SAT and put more weight on the Math section scores in both test. Not that the students perform better in one test or the other or the school prefer ACT over SAT (or the opposite). They actual think the mid 50 of the test scores match up. In the past, I have seen different schools had their own concordance table for score conversion too. The scales were slightly different from school to school.

@artistak Course rigor is in the context of your school. As long as your GC considers you are taking the most rigor level and check that box on the form, you are fine. Ask your GC about that.