University of Oklahoma School of Journalism vs. Mizzou School of Journalism

<p>Hi guys!</p>

<p>I would like to obtain a degree in international journalism and become proficient in Arabic. I'm currently looking into Mizzou and OU. I'm from Missouri, so I would have to pay out-of-state tuition if I chose OU. </p>

<p>I know that Mizzou has an excellent journalism program, but OU's international program is superior. OU has a much more diverse range of international studies courses and more Arabic courses than I could take in eight semesters. Mizzou only offers two.</p>

<p>If I went to OU, I would double major in international studies and journalism. At Mizzou, I would major in international journalism.</p>

<p>I suppose that it will come down to the best financial aid package. </p>

<p>Does anyone have opinions or advice? </p>


<p>I haven’t heard anything about OU as far as journalism, but I do know that Mizzou’s program is very good, and in-state tuition is good as far as $$$. But sometimes OOS can be cheaper depending on financial aid given. But I really don’t know anything about financial aid for either of those two schools.</p>

<p>I also realized that you don’t have to get a journalism degree to be a journalist. I would like to major in International Studies and minor in finance. Missouri State is looking like the best option… Besides OU. Thanks for your help!</p>