<p>I am a senior in Oregon. After doing some research, thinking, and job shadows, I've pretty much decided that I want to go into dentistry, and orthodontics if possible. Before I decided this, I never really thought I would go to any sort of graduate/professional school, so money was not a huge issue. However, looking at the cost of attending dental school, I'm now trying to find a university that will save me some money but still get me into dental school.</p>
<p>I have been thinking about going to the University of Oregon (possibly the honors college). . . Does anyone know how good U of O would be for this purpose? I realize that Oregon State is generally more sciencey, but I'm not very interested in OSU (Eugene and U of O seem like a better fit personality-wise for me). I'm under the impression that dental schools are mostly concerned with GPA, DAT scores, and experience and less concerned with how well-ranked one's undergrad was. Is this true, or would U of O hold be back in admissions?</p>