University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I am very skeptical that SEAS has a higher acceptance rate than CAS. If anything, CAS will have a higher acceptance rate. But they likely have relatively = acc rates at the end of the day

That is incredible, does it happen to all who get in eventually? If you do t get this letter does it imply you are out ?

Noooo. Likely letters are sent in exceptional cases to students who reflect institutional priorities for shaping the incoming class. (Many go to recruited athletes.) They come out before decisions are released. The vast majority of accepted students never received a likely letter.


Only for RD, might I add

Recruited athletes typically apply ED and are often targets for likely letters.

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The non athelete likely letters

Does this mean UPenn is already sending out likely letters for ED candidates? This is cool …

Heard some non-athletes getting in to Penn, must be some likely letters then

For ED???

Not sure about ED but they have gotten in and committed (so must assume it was ED?) not much other detail I have

Did someone get a non athlete ED likely letter too? That’s awesome

Slightly concerning if anything lol


does anyone know when financial docs change from submitted to in review, or review complete? According to last years ED thread, the dates/statuses changed at some point a few weeks before decisions…

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Hey guys! I’m new to CC but I also did an ED to Penn this year.

I was wondering why non-athletes would be given a likely letter in ED? Haven’t they already shown that they’re committed to Penn? I’ve only seen likely letters given RD, so the student can sort of fall in love with the school before other results come out.

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How was your guys’ interview? And how much weight does Penn put on the interview?

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You’re correct, there is no reason for Penn to send out likely letters to regular applicants and non recruited athletes who have applied ED. Likely letters are for recruited athletes and extremely attractive RD applicants.

I’m guessing somebody got some kind of financial aid verification letter or something, and they misconstrued that it was a likely letter. Or the person / persons saying they got a likely letter are fibbing for some psychosomatic reason :joy:


Right. The problem for Ivy League athletic recruits is that, unlike other D1 conferences, there is no National Letter of Intent process. The likely letter is the closest thing Penn can offer, and that can enable students to participate in their high school “signing day” ceremony.

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Welcome @1hummuslover. Go upthread to comments from late October and early November. There you will find a robust discussion of the question you’re posing.

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Has anyone been notified when the results will be announced yet? Many schools have already sent email notifications.

Everyone will be notified via email at the same time. You can also follow Penn Admissions on social media. My guess based on recent practice is that they’ll announce the decision release date by the end of this week.