University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

You may want to look into this

The M&T joint degree program might have also been something to look into, though it is one of the hardest programs to get admitted to. You choose a default school if you get passed over for M&T, however.

Regardless, I can see how you might be feeling a bit torn. I think it’s a little much to expect people in their late teens to commit to a career track, but who am I?

Good luck to you. I think you’ll find Penn to be true to its word on being an open university where course registration happens across schools even if actually transferring enrollment between schools can sometimes be a challenge.

Thanks for your guidance.

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Thank you

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Penn is extremely competitive, but by applying ED you’ve given yourself a better chance than doing RD. Hang in there!


fr, penn is very, very competitive. Believe me, for every one acceptance there are 5 heartbreaks. And the heartbreaks are all academically qualified people like you and me, why else apply early to such a prestigious school?

I’m not sure about that. I’ve been hearing increasingly that the ED boost is pretty much nonexistent – it just seems like it because of the vast number of legacy applicants they take in (plus athletes, too)

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Do you think the ED boost exists for CAS. I am pretty sure applying ED to wharton can hurt

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Don’t like a majority of applicants do CAS? Wharton is up there, but people are getting smarter – they know they can switch so they’re applying to the “easier” school (CAS). I don’t think there will be much of a boost given so many applicants.
But who am I to say, I myself ED’d CAS lmaoo. I am regretting it though – I feel like they’ll scrutinize my application even more considering the extra-competitive profiles in ED

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There is an ED boost bc even if you get deferred, you have a better chance of getting in RD than applicants who did not apply ED.

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Yes, I suppose you’ve established the school is your #1 choice.

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Yes, and for those applicants who get deferred on Thursday, don’t give up hope! You still have a decent chance in March. Last yr many deferred kids ultimately were accepted.


you think there are gonna be more ED CAS applicants? Hmm thats unfortunate. I was expecting people to become smarter (increase in UChicago ED apps) but not that much smarter

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what are your stats/ECs like? You can see my stats/ECs in this thread

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I assumed the majority of CAS apps came from RD, since people not itnerested in business would choose other schools over Penn’s liberal arts curriculum.

4.0 UW, 1590 SAT. A patent and two published papers. Wrote a book. Internship with the Governor’s office. State-wide youth representative. Founder/President of 3 clubs at school. I also took 16 AP’s and 8 DE classes (through running start). My academic interest is data science + anthropology.

Maybe, hopefully?

Similar ECs. Jesus. Penn CAS ed competition will be immense, I’ve been underestimating it. What major?

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On second thought, Penn CAS ed competition will be very high this year. I also know a USNCO national finalist ED’ing CAS. It will be brutal. I lost hope

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I did anthropology because Penn doesn’t have DS (and that’s so competitive). I mentioned my interest in data science and statistics though by mentioning how I wanted to implement it in ethnography.