University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

My D asked to be considered for GAP for Nursing and also has no idea at this point if she’ll continue her studies to a MSN or a Doctorate but it’s nice to have the option! It does not preclude you from just sticking with the undergrad

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Pitt’s GAP for Law would not prevent a student from changing his/her mind about law school.

Thanks so much, I appreciate this!

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Thanks for that.

Did anyone who applied in late September get merit awards ?

Has anyone’s student been invited to interview for the Stamps and Nordenberg Scholarships? My D22 got an email inviting her and telling her when her Zoom interview is! Very excited for her.

@setfornext , she was accepted in mid-September. No other merit offered to her as of now.


Congratulations! Very exciting!

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Did she apply for these scholarships or did they just ask her to interview?

She applied

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That’s extremely cool @Winky1. Congrats!


Has anybody received a decision recently? I’ve been reading and following here since right before my son submitted his application. It seemed like the first ones submitted in August and early September took a month or so to get a decision, but more recent ones (late September - early October) were getting quicker decisions. It looked like at least a few students with stats similar my son’s were getting decisions in about a week. Now it seems like the decisions have slowed down.

My son submitted his application on October 9th (late at night on a Friday) and it was downloaded on the morning of October 11th. I think that I just have unrealistic expectations/hopes regarding the timing of the decisions! I’m also guessing that more and more applications are rolling in, which will also increase the time it takes to get a decision. This is my third (and final) time going through the college application process, and I just know how much of a weight is lifted once that first acceptance comes in. The waiting is the worst . . .


My daughter submitted on October 4 and the school received everything including SAT scores by October 12. Haven’t heard anything yet.

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My daughter got accepted for biomedical engineering.

My daughter submitted her application on 9/7, got email on 10/4 with Pitt ID info, got email on 10/13 reminding her about a document in the document center that she could have missed reading. This document had details about the acceptance.


Applied 9/25, acceptance sent on 10/16 for Information Science.


Thanks everybody! It does seem like they are all over the place on their timeline. I’m sure that the school that each student applied to will also affect the timing of the decision. My son submitted his application on 10/09 (College of Business Administration), it was downloaded and marked as complete on 10/11, he got an email with information on how to log into the Pitt portal on 10/13, an email with a link to the Pitt document center on 10/14, and then another email entitled How You’ll Hear from the Admissions Committee on 10/18. It seems like the emails are coming much more quickly after the application is submitted now than they were back in September. I’m not sure if that really translates into a quicker decision or not. This is our first time with a rolling admissions school, so we weren’t sure what to expect. We’re used to knowing that decisions will be released on 01/30 or 03/17 or whatever.


If you dont mind, please share stats

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DD applied in late September, got accepted 10/6, no word about merit awards.


Hopefully soon!

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Wondering if anyone from SCI has heard about merit? I heard SCI is less inclined to give merit because of how competitive the program is but this is more anecdotal than anything. My son was accepted mid-Sept, strong academics (4.0/4.8; ACT 36) and really liked Pitt. We’d go to admitted students day in Nov. if we thought it could fall within our budget (won’t be eligible for financial aid).

She got her accept/decline tabs in the portal today. Will have to wait a couple of days to see the letter!