University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Are your kids using the common app or the Pitt app? My son is finding the whole process of applying to Pitt confusing - Naviance says they don’t accept letters of recommendation but the website says they do, he has to submit the honors essay directly on the pitt website (maybe), he can send a transcript or an SRAR but not self reported grades on the common app?. Also, there seems to be no more short answer questions though a lot of the material on their website still references them. And there seems to be no recommended word length for the honors essay? Wondering if there is one on the common app once he gets in there. My son is ready to apply but is not sure which application format to use. If he uses the common app, does Pitt see the extracurricular info or does he need to do a resume?


My son used Common App. We are able to view his EC’s in the generated PDF for his submitted application.


Naviance says they don’t accept letters of recommendation but the website says they do,

LORs are classified as ‘supplemental documents’ according to Pitt, and can be submitted (up to 5) through the following link along with a resume.

And there seems to be no recommended word length for the honors essay?

The word limit is 500 words, but 200-300 is suggested according to the website.

Also, there seems to be no more short answer questions though a lot of the material on their website still references them.

It seems as though Pitt is not using short answer Q’s starting this cycle, which I found odd as well

If he uses the common app, does Pitt see the extracurricular info or does he need to do a resume?

He will need to complete a resume, and I would suggest that you keep it to 1 page.

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Yes, you can see the activities list on the saved/submitted application file so I’m not sure why there’s discrepancies in that information. Maybe something from the past.

No short answer Q’s this year.

D did not apply for honors so can’t speak to that.

Her counselor submitted the LOR to her regional rep, they can’t do them through Naviance, correct.

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D22 applied over the weekend thru Common app, counselor submitted transcript and LOR that same day. SAT was sent earlier in August.
No email with id / password info received as of today yet. Does anyone know how long does it usually take to get access to the portal?

May or may not be helpful, but I submitted mine through Pitt’s own application and got my info in 2 days. Could vary, though.

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Looks like it was 9 days for my daughter. Summitted the Common App on 8/3 and got the email from the Technology desk on 8/12.

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Thank you!

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My son logged in today for the first time to his portal. It says application is complete. Where are those accept/decline buttons that have been mentioned here?

they will appear a few days after you submit the application, on the “admissions” tab. I’m not sure exactly what purpose it serves so even if you do find it I wouldn’t click on the accept/decline buttons just to be on the safe side.

BTW if you’re wondering how to access your admissions decision, the admissions office will send you e-mails with links to access the document center, which is where I found mine. I think this is the safest way to find out


Thanks so much!

I applied on 8/3 and still haven’t gotten a decision!

im still waiting on my decision, i submitted on 8/23 all my materials were submitted by 9/2 and now im waiting hopefully sometime soon itll come out, im lowkey scared i wotn get in

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When did you complete all the requirements?
They only work on complete applications

Have you accessed the psmobile app to check if you have the buttons?

@tumagmom @friendsgreenwich My daughter applied Saturday and received portal info last night, her application portal says complete. How many days after a “complete status” did you get an acceptance? Are you in state?

I don’t remember ever seeing a status of complete honestly. Here are some related dates I know:
Common App 8/3, transcript went 8/13, SRAR sent 8/12, LOR 8/17, buttons on 9/4. We are in PA.

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Congrats! Stats? @tumagmom

Sure, it is upthread, but copied here:

Test Optional
3.98 UW GPA
4 APs, 14 honors
Solid ECs and LOR
Strong Essay
In State
Lots of demonstrated interest
School of Nursing with GAP to Masters/Doctorate in Nursing

Thanks! Scrolled right by it @tumagmom :blush: