University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

I applied in mid november and completed my full application by 5th dec…when am i expected to get my decision? since y’all already started getting it

@laura18 , I don’t see your previous post. Are you saying your D was accepted this year fir honors college in her acceptance letter? That’ll be a first for this thread if so!

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People have been getting decisions back for a few months. Some people applied in September. There seem to have been a massive amount of people that applied Nov. 1, and most of them are just starting to hear back. They said 8-10 weeks or longer.

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sorry, my bad! she was accepted to - guaranteed admission to the MS Graduate
Engineering Program of your choice at the University of Pittsburgh. not the honors college. It was Purdue that she was accepted to Honors.


Heart attack! Lol

sorry! she had quite a few acceptances come in all at once, and I just got them confused!!

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Kudos to Pitt for the adorable admitted student packet my 22 received today! Definitely made their day!


My son just opened his admitted student packet. After emptying the envelope, he turned it upside down and shook it. He said that he was looking for “more money.” Can you tell that he’s a finance major??

It is a really nice packet, though! I appreciated it even if he wasn’t quite as enthused.


You guys got a packet? All we got was an email, a cool little online video and an update doc center…

D22 got her packet too! Very cute

Same lol

It’ll come, I’m sure! My girl was accepted I’m mid Sept! Send the packets already!

My kid is a HS junior. He visited last summer and he’s on their email list.
They sent him a really cute personalized video last week, with his name scattered about - on jumbotron, billboards, bookshelves - throughout an animated campus tour.

And while he’s as cynical as every Gen Zer, he was really charmed by it. “That’s kind of sick,” he said. “It makes me want to go to Pitt more.”

So good on Pitt for marketing :slight_smile:


We got the packet in the mail today. We thought it was really really nice!!

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Their marketing (personalized video, package today) is as good as their portal is bad (confusing, multiple different portals, plus a doc center, etc).


He applied on 10/10 and was accepted on 10/25, so it took quite awhile to get the packet. They may be sending them in batches based on acceptance date.

My daughter was accepted in August and just got the packet today…I think they must have sent packets to all students accepted in the fall at once.

That’s a bummer, no packet. Hope the snowstorm delayed it…

My S just got his packet yesterday- I believe his acceptance was in September

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I must say I love the way Pitt does things…Straightforward, no games admissions process. And they know exactly when to hit admitted students … Mid January anxiety runs high with early decisions behind and early actions rolling … The latter seems to mean very little these days . But kudos to Pitt for reminding the kids who was willing to show them some love early on !
It is my first and last time through this process with my daughter (pretty decent, dare I say high stat kid)…As she’s getting deferrals from a number of places for early action applications, it is wearing her out and she’s very tempted to simply hit the withdraw button. In a lot of ways a clear yeah or neah is what she’s looking for at this time, and she’s reminded with a nice package about the fact that she got exactly that from Pitt !