University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Thanks! I’m majoring in Finance

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Fantasic! You’ve got some good things cooking!! Roll Tide! Good luck on the interview

all the best!


Aww @Fussing I hear you!! I can tell you we learned sooo much with our 1st born son (S19) And him Being waitlisted at Harvard and Columbia was a blessing in disguise. His safety was Pitt (we are 30 minutes away) and they offered him such a generous merit scholarship that he enrolled late July of 2019. He got in 95% of the first year on living on campus then the pandemic hit. Even thought Pitt went online 2020 because we lived nearby he was able to drive to every lab they had on campus. I think maybe there were 5 people in the class. Being close-by had it’s advantages for this situation as well.

Also living close enough for an emergency, a quick visit or anything has been a true blessing indeed. We even went to a couple of Pitt women’s volleyball games with his siblings and waived to him across the way in the student section :slight_smile: His siblings help him move in and out of the dorms as well. If he needs anything we can swing by with it. Experiencing all of this for the past 3 years, D22 has chosen to attend college in Pittsburgh, too. Lucky us!


Sounds fantastic. Pitt is an awesome safety school!! Its an awesome first-choice school too. I’m glad that worked out so well for your family!


Sometimes you take for granted the great things that are in your own backyard.
This was definitely the take away from the entire experience.
We are wiser because of it and so is D22.
Best of luck to your son.


Hi Friends, wanted to let you know that my D22 heard back and is a semi-finalist for the Stamps and Nordenberg Scholarships! Super excited and proud. She’ll go to campus in Feb. for in person interview and events. She’s thrilled, she loves Pitt, and she’s super excited! Letter said 800 applied, 90 had 1st round zoom interviews, and 34 are now semi-finalists. 5 will be awarded the Stamps and 5 the Nordenberg. Hail. To. Pitt.


That’s fantastic! You must be very proud. Hope she gets it!

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I wish either of my kids saw the advantages of being close by. Daughter went 4 hours away. Not sure where son will end up. But the 7 min from Purdue is too close even though we promise to leave them alone and pretend it’s away.

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Pitt doesn’t use CSS, only FAFSA. Regardless, yes DS got merit, OOS.

Congratulations! I’m sure that you’re so proud of her!

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Applied on Oct 30th and finished SRAR on Nov 7th. Did anyone who applied during a similar timeline not receive their decision yet?

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My D is a freshman now and 1,000 more students enrolled compared to the year before, kids are in hotels, lounges, etc. this year. Lucky she is in Sutherland as part of the honors LLC. I’m hoping they don’t over enroll next year too. Will effect housing availability for years to come.


Thanks for sharing this information - I think it is important and colleges really don’t make it readily available information.
My nephew’s living situation at Penn State the first year was nearly unbearable due to overcrowding.

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Hi, I’m compiling a spreadsheet of 2026 kids to get a (admittedly unscientific) sense of merit aid awards vis a vis test-optional status this year. Would you care to provide your son’s stats? Looking for whether test score was submitted, $$ amount, OOS or in-state, GPA, any APs, and major. Feel free to PM if you like! Thank you!

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Great to hear & best of luck to your daughter!

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Already in at penn state and waiting to hear from Pitt. Has your nephew enjoyed his time at penn state?

He has graduated. He loved it socially, but did struggle with scheduling, taking the right classes, in the right order etc - all his fault, mind you. And he went there with like 4 good friends from high school, so kind of stayed in a comfort bubble.
Our HS sends so many kids there and most seem to love it.
My two had zero interest- one felt it was too big and the other, once he realized he couldn’t do all four years on main campus for his major, crossed it off the list.