University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Common Data set does not have Honors College info. however I can tell you by experience with Pitt and other colleges, the Honors token is its own beast and not always easily explainable.

Agreed. Was really just trying to give a data based answer to her question. You would agree that merit correlates with honors admittance but is nothing close to a guarantee, right?

Honestly from what I’ve seen at Pitt in the past three years, Honors is a combination three things, major, diversity and academic skill. In that order.

Merit is separate.


When you say major, does that mean they’re looking for specific majors or majors that cover the spectrum so the students are not all concentrated in one area?

Yes - they don’t want an HC composed of just computer science majors. If there’s someone who has great stats and really wants to major in underwater basketweaving, I’m thinking they’ve got a better chance than “another CS major” (totally hypothetical!).


Yes, take a close look at the Honors College page on the Pitt website. Also, read the bios of the advisors/mentors. Read about the students who get awards/ fellowships. I can tell you they are not STEM skewed. Think anthropology, gender studies, Africana studies, etc. That’s not to say there aren’t any STEM students, there certainly are. But get in line, those students are mostly all “honors” material. Like I said, there appears to be a pattern of major, diversity, then academic skill. In that order.


That’s what I was hoping. My daughter is communications and rhetoric, so hopefully that’s not as well represented!


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about this topic today. Appreciated

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Applied 12/19, any idea when I should expect a decision?

I also think the essay is pretty important.

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Yep! My D 2025 is anthropology and accepted to the honors college last year. She’s a freshman there now and loves it.


We applied 12/23. Nothing yet and someone above mentioned their friend was waitlisted so I don’t have high hopes.

@Fussing it seems Comp Sci majors don’t get much merit. As far as timelines go, last year my daughter applied early October, was accepted within 10 days, and got 2k in merit in early January.

hmmm… so do you have to be accepted into honors to be considered for the chancellor’s scholarship?

Yes. I heard or read that only 50 of honors students are invited to interview for Chancellors

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Upitt asked for a mid-term report and I had all A’s in the 2nd quarter and 5-A’s and 2-B’s in 1st quarter, now I am waitlisted.

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When did you apply, Thunderhill? My guess is this waitlist has nothing to do with your academic performance and has more to do with the timing of your application and the overwhelming increase in applications this year.


I applied on October 17th, the mid-term report was requested on Nov 17th. Ist quarter request was submitted on December 12 through SRAR and 2nd quarter report was submitted last week.

Son applied 11/30 and still pending. No request for mid-term grades. He applied in the humanities (writing). Seems like a long wait but I understand the volume is insane.


I agree with you. When I submitted my 1st quarter report through school (Naviance) and SRAR update, the “To-Do” status was still saying pending, the status was changed to complete after emailing the 2nd quarter report to admissions.

SRAR and Naviance reports are not reviewed on time.