University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Very strange. Best of luck. Maybe reach out to your admissions rep. They are on the website. Send a LOCI if you feel strongly about Pitt and send it to the ad rep.

I agree that it has nothing to do with the academic record cause it was my friend who was waitlisted . They didnt ask her for any mid term grades like thunderhill inspite of scoring lower than him/her and now both got waitlisted. It’s weird.

Very much our situation…11/30 and waiting.


I scrolled through the last few weeks and 1 or 2 people posted a week ago today that their portal changed to accepted. A week before that maybe 1 or 2 others did the same. Other than that, I haven’t seen anybody else post in the last couple weeks that they have been accepted. All the comments have been about Merit awards.


I understand. The whole college process this year has been very frustrating. My portal has always had a commit to pitt link. And it said undeclared forever. We wrote and they says everyone goes in undeclared and then it changed last week to Communications. I’ve given up wondering.

Our son found out he was accepted on 1/26. He had applied on 11/1.


Our DD was admitted yesterday. The buttons showed up on Monday and the letter yesterday night in the document center. Still no email as far as I am aware. She applied on 11/26. The school says that decisions on merit and honors college will be out by March 1, consistent with what has been said to this point.


My S just got an email detailing his financial aid offer in relation to the FAFSA


Yes, D22 got her email about financial aid. Only her Stafford Loan is there. Excited to see how this next month plays out! Congrats to those getting acceptances now

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So, those of us that are getting the financial aid offer email, does this mean there won’t be any merit offers coming? Or, could that still possibly come?

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I wish I knew the answer to this. Without merit, we will take Piit off the list of options. We also got the financial aid (basically nothing useful) but are hoping on some merit. Given some schools have offered my son $14/$16k/year and Pitt has offered $0 it makes it hard to consider them seriously.


I think we need to wait until March 1 like @witzabtme said above. Was mentioned in official letter about acceptance. It is hard to wait, especially if your student likes a school. We are in situations like this also, including Pitt right now. We need to wait for Stamps/Nordenberg process, and then see what things look like in March. Then apples will be able to be compared to apples, and rotten apples removed from the bushel!!

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You’re right, and I know that, but I just want closure. Or rather, I feel this need to narrow the focus and in talking to the boy, to try to steer the enthusiasm one way or another. You know, get him excited about the cheaper option! :slight_smile:


Please remember to withdraw your applications if you no longer considering a college, as a courtesy to those left. So many don’t.


It’s frustrating, but I also don’t envy the folks figuring out aid at a public college with rolling admission in a year with a 60% increase in applicants.

Congrats on your daughter’s acceptance! Where do you see the buttons? My daughter has the button that says accept or decline admission, but when we click, it says no information available. There is also the tab that says Commit 2 Pitt! But I see no acceptance letter or anything showing her status as accepted. This has been so frustrating! She applied 11/6. Help!

sherryjane73 - someone on the previous posts gave the location of the Accept/Decline button

Mine says same and always has. Very misleading.

Look in the Pitt Document Center.


Same here. The Panther Pride award appeared today.