University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Great options for sure! “Onward and Upward”!! All the best to s!


DD got into the Honors College! Communication and rhetoric major. OOS. So excited!


DD got into the Honors College with a communication and rhetoric major. We’re OOS. My theory is that the higher stat kids gravitate to the majors you list here. I was hoping that her major would give her an advantage since I’m sure it’s not the most common. Also we’re from Southeast Georgia, which I doubt has much (if any) representation on campus. Congrats to your daughter!


My son also got into honors. Pitt is still on the list, but we haven’t visited yet. We have an admitted student day set up in a month.


Congrats to your son! My daughter lives in Sutherland and loves #htp

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Congratulations to all of the students! I love to hear of OOS kids coming. We are Pgh local and my D was originally doubtful about Pitt, thinking of it as almost a community college :joy:. She was not realizing people from other places want to come here and how much it has to offer. Her eyes were opened on the tour and she loved it. When all you hear is “Pitt Pitt Pitt, H2P” growing up, it’s easy to take the school in your backyard for granted.
Ps- she’s an honors waitlist kid


Looks like my kid’s the outcast here - didn’t get into Honors. Not waitlisted. We both knew it was a long shot this year - so much competition.
It thankfully doesn’t change his excitement about going to Pitt!
Congrats to all that made it!


Absolutely… they are gonna love it no matter where they are. My sister lived in the towers and had a great experience! That’s kind of what I think of when I think of being a Pitt freshman, the towers. My D may end up living in there, too. She will just be spending a lot of time in the library, haha. There are going to be high achieving kids all over the place and it’s going to be an exciting journey.


Congrats to your D! We are about 50 miles northwest of Chicago and my daughter knew she wanted to go to Pitt after visiting last summer. She loved everything about the school and the city of Pittsburgh. Pitt has everything she wants, and getting into Honors was extra special. I guess it will be Sutherland for her dorm. She’s also very excited to begin a new chapter of rowing on the rivers and under those beautiful bridges in Pittsburgh!


Congrats to your daughter! That is awesome that she rows. There’s definitely a lot of opportunity for that, here. Also there so many bike trails (rails to trails), and single track out farther a bit. When you come to visit her, if you have bikes, I recommend strapping those on for a really cool Pgh experience on the Great Allegheny Passage trail.


My daughter was accepted into the Honors Program and Joint Degree program. I have no idea what the Joint Degree program is ? Can anyone clarify what this is?

She is OOS, neuroscience major. 3.83 UW, 4-5 APs all the rest honors classes, 1440 SAT with 790 Math, of EC, volunteer in hospital, holds down 2 part time jobs - in psychologist office and ski instructor. Captain Ski race team and varsity all 4 years along with a few other sports. Very rigorous high school that offers very little APs

After lots of deferrals, this is some welcomed good news!


Your child will take classes that will count towards a second degree culminating in a Bachelors of Philosophy after finishing a research thesis (in addition to their original degree). More info in the link :arrow_up:



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Congrats to your daughter! I was wondering the same thing about the Honors & Joint Degree. My oos daughter is also a Neuroscience major.


I agree! After our admitted students day, D22 knew whether Honors or not, she fit and was going to be able to do research and dive deep with all of her interests. They have much to offer. Excited for honors kids, and excited for them to just figure this out and find that right fit and the school that loves them back


The “jail trail” will take you along the 376 highway and across the Hot Metal Bridge to the South Side for some city fun :smiley:


The Chancellors invite will come separate. Not necessarily on the same day as honors.

That’s close, but not quite right. Joint degree means conferred by both their academic unit and the Honors College “Upon completion, students will receive their degree issued jointly from their academic unit and the honors college with “Honors” designated on the diploma.” BPhil is a separate but related suboption that only 5-10% of Pitt Honors College students pursue.


Sorry to hear that. Did he get a letter telling him he had been rejected?

I think there is a range of options in Honors, too. Minimal up to the awesome B Phil