University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Daughter got in honors! :grinning:


Son got into Honors. Dietrich Bio major. Congrats to all who got in.


Thanks @Winky1 for letting us know to check the portal. My son got in honors! After reading some of the comments about honors balancing STEM with non-STEM, I didn’t think he’d get in - he’s engineering so happy surprise. We go for admitted students day in a few weeks (we are OOS). S22 was pretty interested in Pitt even without honors - looking forward to the visit!


Daughter got into Honors, Neuroscience major


D22 got into honors! Neuroscience major, and already accepted to Marching Band!


Does anyone know if they have an honors open house for admitted students? My son is choosing between Pitt Honors, Ohio State Honors, and Case Western for biology on a pre-med path. I know he’s stuck deciding between them as they all have different pro/cons.

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Son got into Honors. Finance major from OOS.


Dd22 got in !!. engineering.


Son accepted into Honors. Very nice recognition. CS major. OOS. Unfortunately without any substantial merit, Pitt isn’t a realistic option vs in state flagship. I guess Distinguished Scholars invite is a possibility although realistically very remote.


Hey everyone! I applied to Pitt and was accepted into Dietrich with an intended field of study in Pre-Medicine. Is there any way I can change?

Just checked the portal and DS22 was accepted to honors, very exciting. We are here visiting today, and wish we’d known before our tours! Engineering. The tour guides said that Sutherland housing is very nice.


Does anyone know if students receive rejection letters for honors? We aren’t seeing anything.

DS got into Honors. No Chancellor scholarship interview notice. Still too expensive. Dietrich with pre-med interest from OOS.


Son got waitlisted for CS. Feeling rather disappointed as this is his top choice school. Anyone else in this boat or have words of wisdom for us?

Are there any humanities or true social science majors in the Honors College or does College Confidential have some major sampling bias lol?

Intended majors gleaned from multiple threads:

Computer Science

My daughter was relieved to be admitted tonight. She would pursue the BPhil at Pitt which is only available thru the Honors College. Good luck to all on the wait list.


@sazeye - I don’t know if these will count as “wisdom,” but one thing that occurs to me is that this is a really wild year for applications, with a surge of COVID-related gap year students applying alongside the graduating class of 2022. That increased the competitiveness for a relatively fixed number of seats (or a reduced number of seats when we consider the situation at UC Berkeley). However, I have a sense (not supported by solid data, just anecdotally) that many students applied to a LOT of schools this year. From some discussions I have had, this may be due to test-optional programs resulting in some kids who might not otherwise have tried for higher-tier schools expanding the range of the schools they applied to. If that’s true, we may see yields at some schools being lower than they typically expect based on algorithms for more normal years (ie, if kids who would normally apply to 5 schools applied to 10, they will still be accepting only 1 slot, so they will be declining offers from more schools). If that ends up being the case, schools may dip more deeply into their waitlists than they do typically. I do not have much to back me up on this, but I hope that is true and that your son gets off the waitlist and has the option of attending his first choice. Wishing you the best with it - this is a hard year for the application process.


I agree with what you are saying. I think more people will come off the weight lists than normal, in spite there being more students due to gap years.

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There was a local high stats applicant upthread who was also waitlisted for CS. Based on these stories, it seems like Pitt may have already filled the CS class and weren’t able to accept some really great students who applied later.

I am sorry this happened. I would try to help him fall in love with a different choice. Waitlist movement could happen, but the probability is low enough that it makes sense to move on, at least emotionally.

The good news is that CS is such a fantastic, in demand field that he will have great opportunities wherever he ends up.

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D22 checked her portal today and got into honors college, CS OOS $5K/year merit scholarship.


Son got into Honors, CS major. No merit thus will w/d his app today- fortunate to have great in-state options (UVA, VT) and even GT with comparable cost. Good luck all!