University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Congratulations!!! That is so awesome :tada: :tada: :tada:

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Thank you!

I really have been hoping for so many on here to get word of merit scholarships. These kids work so hard and college is so expensive. I feel so vested in each of their stories.


Thank you!

Congratulations! Would you mind sharing stats? My kid has not heard, and has super high stats as in 36 ACT, 1/400, 20+ AP & DE, and yet no merit at all this year. Super bummed if even merit is awarded on holistic considerations.


My S23 has a full tuition award at Pitt so we are ok!


I had listed her stats up higher in the thread. I won’t bother reposting, but you can see them up there. I will say I think her Honors essay was really different and probably interest grabbing.

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Essay would be my son’s weak point. I found your D23s stats and they are matched there but he hates these essays :joy:

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I get that! I honestly don’t know how these kids have the stamina to answer all these different essay prompts with interesting and unique ideas on top of keeping up with their regular work.


S23 has been taking Linear Algebra online this year and it finishes next week. I told him he can quit his job since he got the scholarship, and I don’t know what he will do with the incredible influx of time.

Pitt is our front runner, but we would like to visit first before making the final decision. Thanks for leaving information about your visit on another thread! It was very useful. We are looking forward to attending an Accepted Student Day in March.


You’re welcome! What is your student’s major? Hope you have a good visit!

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S23 intends to major in computer science (just like yours :smiley:).


I remember only 50 getting a Chancellor’s interview, and 5 getting the scholarship. But i may be remembering incorrectly. 12 seems like a high number to get a full ride. Maybe they added more because they want to retain these super high achievers.

Congratulations, @Skitcher !! Super great for your D.

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First, thanks!

Second, the numbers seemed high to me too, so I checked their website. It does say 50 will be interviewed
 not 75, but it also says approximately 15 recipients which aligns with the 12-15 stated in the email. I guess they really are using it as a recruiting tool.

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Excellent odds at landing a full ride if a student is interviewing for Chancellor’s! Prepare well, wow!
Also, this is smart for Pitt do to. Smart kids on campus doing amazing things, achieving amazing things will only attract other like minded students.


We did not even know about the Chancellors Scholarship until a month or two ago! We are “lucky” he actually did the essay for Pitt’s honors college bc we know he didn’t for some.


Has your student decided between their last 2 schools?

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Not yet. How about you?

My son is leaning towards Pitt. He wants to look at another school just in case

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