University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Yes I have thankfully!


For one thing, thereā€™s a shortage of nurse educators and clinical space. Also, the NCLEX is difficult and universities want to admit only those students who can excel in coursework and pass the NCLEX on the first try. High first-time pass rates are important for accreditation.


Exactly. You do whatā€™s best for you and your child. When they are sitting in their classes nobody is gonna know who got in EA, RD or off a waitlist. Good luck!!!


Applied 11/01 to the School of Computing and Informatics. No decision yet.
The delay has only moved Pitt down the list for usā€¦ with other acceptances in hand.

Another waitlister. Wonder what the crazy total is now. Moving onā€¦.

Nothing in the Document Center? To-do list? That is odd!


My child was recently accepted into the Frederick Honors College and the Frederick
Honors Degree Program. Where/when should interview invitations be posted for the Chancellorā€™s Scholarship?


When I looked at the last two yearsā€™ threads, Chancellorā€™s interview invitations seemed to go out about a week or two after the honors invites.


Anyoneā€™s student commit to Pitt for CS yet? My son is 90% sure about Pitt. Just waiting on one more school and hopefully one last visit to Pitt and his #2.


Yup, Nothing in the document center or the to-do list. No communication from Pitt and No decision as yet. In couple of days, it will be 4 months from application.

Am surprised about the process this yearā€¦ but, 4 months is way too long a wait.


@TheMonaLisa. Not yet. Still hoping for merit but understand that itā€™s unlikely and last day is March 1. Also down to two schools.


Consider contacting Admissions by phone or email. Based on your earlier posts, it appears you are a US citizen applying from abroad. It is possible your application is in the international admissions pile and follows a different review/approval flow.


Yes, we are US Citizens currently abroad. Possible they have us in International pile but, iā€™ve been seeing many internationals receiving acceptances with a short turnaround.
D23 doesnā€™t want to reach out and them asking for additional documents. She wants Pitt to come to her if they require additional documentation (MYR, Additional Recs, etc). She wants to wait and see.

She has some good acceptances in hand, with No Merit though. As a parent Iā€™m looking for an acceptance from a good school with Merit aid to help make the decision easier.

my Daughter got Honors college admission


I have a current sophomore. She is not in the honors program. However I think the main advantage is early registration. And this SHOULDNT be discounted. Pitt has had some large classes and my daughter didnā€™t come in with a lot of credits. Registration for classes has been hard. She is in Dietrich and many of the classses/sections she wants get filled up. Now sheā€™s very organized and has back up schedules and back up classes ready and she has ultimately gotten into classes s that count to her majors, but sometimes not her 1st, 2nd or 3rd choices! Or in sections that meet at worse times etc. However, any student can graduate wirh Honors if they complete certain requirements, even if not technically in Honors program. I think the main benefit is early registration and honors dorm (if your kid wants itā€”is on upper campus; some honors kids want the lower campus experience.

As for advisors, Iā€™m not sure if honors have their own. Since technically freshmen donā€™t declare a formalized major when they come in they are assigned a general advisor from their college. I can say my daughter had an EXCELLENT advisor, but Iā€™ve heard that others have not. Once your child formally declares their major they will have an advisor within their major or majors. My daughter has a double major and has 2 that offer her adviceā€”including one who is in charge of the honors program (because the Politics and Philosophy Major is actually supervised in the Honors collegeā€”I have no idea why!). But I will say that my daughter srill reaches out to her original freshman advisor and he has continued to provide advice and answer questions for her. Heā€™s great and super responsive and she srill feels most comfortable with him. But I do think it can be hit or miss with advisors.


Thanks you @LoriMachOrtiz ! This was really useful and cleared up for me how advising works at Pitt. Impressive that your daughter is doing a double major.

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Anyone here get an invite for Chancellorā€™s? I saw that one person on Reddit reported getting an invite in email today.

They mentioned 75 applicants selected for the interview (iirc 25 applications get the scholarship)

My kid didnā€™t get an invite for this (didnā€™t expect it either :slight_smile:)


25 seems higher than what I read. No invite here either (also not really expecting it)

That is just what the person said who got the invite (or claimed to get itā€¦ itā€™s reddit of courseā€¦)

My daughter did get an invite for the Chancellorā€™s today. The letter said 75 are invited for the virtual interviews with ultimately 12 to 15 students receiving the scholarships.

She had to tell them that she wouldnā€™t be interviewing for it tho as she received the final word today that she is a Pitt Stamps Scholar. Obviously, the people in charge of Stamps are not directly discussing candidates with the Honors College. :wink:

I wasnā€™t saying anything here that she was interviewing for Stamps or was a finalist as she didnā€™t want anything said to anyone until she knew for sure. (I did email with Winky to just find out how things were run tho. Thanks, Winky!) But now that she has the official letter and will be committing to Pitt, I felt I could say something here. I hope there are some more on CC who get a Chancellorā€™s invite.