University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

My daughter is also applied as a nursing major and recieved notification yesterday that they are requesting mid-year grades. We are in NY so that will not be until the end of January.

My son applied 10/8. Application moved Review status 10/13. Received buttons TODAY 10/31. Waiting for letter in document center and in email. We shall see. Hoping this means he is in…

High rigor with coursework! Heavy high school course load completed 34.5 classes when minimum graduation requirement is 22/26 for advanced degree. High SAT. GPA middle 50% of last admit class.


My son got the buttons today! First admission of this season! He visited in the spring and Pitt is definitely a top choice.

Dietrich A&S, microbiology
3.8 wGPA
31 ACT
Good EC, 4 years varsity XC and Track
Helped start charity in community


Son received acceptance today. Took 3 weeks.

Dietrich A&S - Molecular Biology
4.36 wGPA, high SAT
Lots of service, EC, leadership, sports


Accepted today! Received an email with a great video.
Application submitted 09/05
4.5 wGPA
Test Optional
Lots of unique extracurriculars and leadership on a national level.


Congrats! Did he receive a letter via email and in the document center?

DS/OOS received accept/decline buttons today! He’s waiting for the official acceptance letter.


Nothing showed up in the document center. Only an email so far.

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Is anyone who applies to Med GAP invited to the next step yet? I am still waiting for an email notification. Thanks.

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S23 got his accept/decline buttons today, too. No email notification yet.

Dietrich A&S - International and Area Studies
uw grade avg.: 100
w grade avg.: 104.3
Class Rank: 1/155
1500 SAT
3 APs (out of 5 offered at HS)
Normal ECs – soccer, swimming, NHS, Spanish Club, mentor programs for underclassmen, student poll worker at 2022 primary (and will also work the general election)


He received the email first. Documents showed up later.

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Applied to Swanson 9/30, got the “everything is in” email 10/11, got the “how you will hear from us” email 10/13. Buttons showed up 10/28, email 10/29. Found another document in the center offering her guaranteed acceptance to the MS program in engineering and/or the EAGR program (MS in 5 years)

She got into Swanson (engineering) with:

1550 SAT (800 Math)
National recognition for Saxophone, NM Commended, AP Scholar with Distinction
Local leadership and volunteerism through clubs and band.

:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: for some OOS $ as it’s her top choice.

Thanks for these threads, knowing others timelines and about the portal post vs. emails helped a lot!


Today is the deadline to submit supplemental essays. So may be in a few weeks.

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How much time between when students are noticing the accept/decline buttons to receiving a letter in the document center or getting an email to confirm acceptance? Is it a day? multiple days? Cautiously optimistic over here that buttons mean accept but don’t want to celebrate until confirmed with a letter in document center or email.

Ours took over a week to get the letter in Document Center. We never got a formal acceptance email around time he was accepted. Just got the video email weeks later when others on the chat board mentioned they had gotten it.

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Mine received a letter in the document center today and received an email about the acceptance yesterday.

There have been no accept/decline buttons and nothing yet in the mail.

My son received the accept/decline buttons yesterday and his letter appeared in the document center tonight. He received no email alert. He just checked the portal.


He just received the acceptance letter in the document center.
1550 SAT (790 Math)
NM Commended
8 math classes inc MV, 5 science classes inc AP Phy C, 4 yrs of engineering, high rigor/honors classes.
8 AP exams/1 DE
Varied EC - state/district award, leadership, 100+ volunteer hours, NHS.
rank and GPA below top candidates. Competitive STEM high school.

No eye popping rank or GPA, but loves to learn which is evident by his transcript and activities outside the classroom.


I keep hearing about supplemental essays from multiple sources, but in the Common App, all she had to do was her “universal” Personal Statement and the Honors College essay. There was another personal statement you could do if you hadn’t already done the CA Statement. Are we missing something? I hope not!

The one I was talking about was specific to Pitt medicine GAP program.

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