University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

My daughter applied to UPitt for Mathematics and was just accepted. I thought some of you might be interested in the timeline. She had the application completed, including SRAR, on 11/23. She never got a letter in the portal saying the application was going to review, so we called twice and they assured us it was good to go. The student center said PENDING until 1/12, and then it said APPLICATION COMPLETE and the buttons showed up. The acceptance letter was posted to her document center one day later, on 1/13.


@Collegefall2023 I’m sure it depends on your major. My DD in bio engineering studies 5+ hours a day. Her friends are primarily her engineering friends with whom she studies. I think she would say it’s very rigorous.


Last year my daughter joined an Instagram page/group and met a lot of people that way.


My daughter is a Nursing major and ended up with a 3.4. She worked hard but not 5 hours a day hard. I think always going to classes, having good relationships with TAs and the professor helped a lot. She went to almost all study groups and office hours when offered. And that chem curve helped!! :slight_smile:

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My D got the GAP for Nursing. She is definitely interested in pursuing being an NP, CNA or Midwife so this was a huge sell for her personally.


I don’t think being offered a GAP program without applying for it is purely marketing. Pitt wants to retain desirable applicants. They also want capable and qualified desireable applicants in their grad programs in 4 years. This is very smart. A win-win for both the school and the applicant. As with any of their GAP programs, a student does not have to follow through and go for the master’s if they change their mind. Yes, a recruiting tool, perhaps, but not just meaningless marketing.

It’s wonderful to get a GAP if one applies for it. Also wonderful to get a GAP if one didn’t apply for it. Both circumstances are thick delicious vanilla icing on a cake. Love the school that loves you back.

D18 got the Gap for Physician Assistant. D22 got the Gap for Law. Both were pumped. Hail.


Anyone here know the timeline to admissions to honors program after getting admission to Pitt? Also, what’s the timeline to general scholarships and specifically to the Chancellor’s Scholarships? How are they notified? Thanks.


Honors will be announced all at one time, in late February or early March.

Since Chancellor awards are contingent on Honors, I assume that process is in March, but I am not sure. @Winky1 , do you know?


Yes, this is a perfect explanation. It is an enticement that admissions can use, but it’s not given without merit. One must have the stats to get it and with those stats the school knows that the students likely would be grad students they would love to have. It’s a win-win without a commitment. To me, it’s just a plain bonus.


Yes, Chancellor’s ramps up after Honors announcement made. Very prestigious


Where can I check to see if my application is under review?

My daughter ended up selecting University of South Carolina. It’s bittersweet because we both kind of fell in love with Pitt and it was not an easy decision because they are both wonderful schools. But ultimately she decided that USC was a better fit for her major which is International Business. And they gave her a huge scholarship which sealed the deal.

Good luck deciding!!!


Congratulations. Did pitt offer merit?
Just wondering, if you disclosed the scholarship from SC and allowed Pitt the opportunity to “match”? Thanks.

I have a sophomore there. She loves it. Good luck!!!

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I received $5k/yr!!! im really happy for my results


Where did you see your offer?

It was in the document center ! :slight_smile:


I just got an invitation to the Kessler Scholars program! ! is this a hard program to get into? did anyone else receive one?

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@SA656789 Looks like it’s related to first gen college student! Way to go!!! Congrats!

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yea! Thanks :smiley: super excited to see where this program goes, apparently only 20 get accepted
 Now im super nervous for this. :worried: