University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Where do I find the applicant portal? I have only been looking at the document center. Is there a different page I should be looking at?

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For finding out about decisions, you won’t need the applicant portal as a letter/document would appear in the document center.

However, if you’d like to look at the applicant portal, the link is (Pitt Passport).

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Application Status (

My Pitt Portal | All Campuses

Documents | Pitt Passport

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Is there a group of admitted students for Pitt

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We were talking about that upthread. There are a couple of Facebook groups but they seem to be associated with murky organizations that might just be data-mining.

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Our son’s acceptance letter was posted in the Document Center yesterday 1/13, two days after the “Accept or Decline” buttons appeared on the portal. There was also a letter granting him guaranteed acceptance into the Pitt Public Health master’s program with $5k annual scholarship. Very flattering, but he didn’t indicate that intent on his Common App anywhere - is this just a recruitment strategy?


I think the public health gap is assesed automatically for all those applying for bio and psych.


I believe that consideration for a master’s program is automatic for applicants to some majors, including engineering. We weren’t surprised to see the offer because they had mentioned the program in our kid’s virtual engineering visit.


Thanks - his intended major is psych

Here is where to find the information regarding guaranteed acceptance.

And this is the specific info for Public Health.

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I’m saying no for now. My D23 seems okay with that. Maybe there are outside scholarships though.

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Probably a strategy. My D23 got the same offer. Not interested though.

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I am sure it is marketing, but what part of college admissions isn’t really? I mean there’s no harm in it. You don’t need to commit to it. It’s just an extra. It is a really sweet deal though for those doing the Med Gap process.


Thank you! I wonder if it’s reasonable to infer anything about Honors College and undergraduate scholarships based on this. Our son hasn’t heard about those yet.


This marketing gives students and their parents “bragging rights”, and pulls them to commit to PITT.

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For most students, the master’s offer isn’t very useful. But for some, it would be a meaningful offer. Like if my kid does biomedical engineering, where master’s degrees are common prior to starting the first real job, this could be a program he’d be really interested in.

I am not an advocate for doing a master’s degree without a very good reason. But I don’t see this as purely a marketing strategy and so far I haven’t seen “bragging” about such offers.

And as noted, it can be perfect for those who aspire to med school.


Those are totally separate processes that you’ll hear about individually later.


I agree, I started to write this statement in my earlier reply, but removed before posting.

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Sounds like a recruiting strategy. My S also applied as a psych major
 His application went into review on 11/30. May I ask when your son applied and when his app went into review? Looking for an idea on when he may receive a decision. Thanks!

Anyone know once you’re a student how rigorous are the classes?