University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Honors decision letter got posted today in the document center.


Son received Honors College acceptance letter posted to Document Center tonight (letter dated 2/17). Still hoping for merit aid. Dietrich College, psychology major. Straight As, 10 APs, 1450 SAT, solid ECs and essays. He is very excited!


S23 got honors admit (35 ACT, 11APs,4DE, Eagle Scout, physics major, many ECs, pt job)!

We are waiting on one scholarship competition result from another school by Friday and he may Commit to Pitt by Monday! He has not been to campus but is a flexible kid, so Iā€™m not too worried about that.



Thank you for this info. What about Chancellorā€™s scholars invitations? Anyone received those yet?

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From looking at the last two yearsā€™ threads, it looks like Chancellorā€™s invitations are supposed to be sent a week or two after the honors invites? Only a few invitations are sent (50 or 60?) so we might not see anyone reporting one on CC. We will just have to wait and see.


Anyone know whether the Honors waitlist actually moves after May 1?


My D23 got accepted into the Honors College. (34 ACT, 4.5 GPA. bunches of AP/DE, lots of ECs, jobs, etc.
Weā€™ll have to see what happens. My older daughter was in the Honors College at Pitt and I did like it for housing, but didnā€™t add a ton of value otherwise. However, she graduated last May so maybe itā€™s changed. Nonetheless, Iā€™m proud of my kiddo because I think itā€™s gotten competitive.


Did your older daughter do research/go onto more school (grad, med, etc)? This is where I am hoping it will benefit my son who wants to go to grad school

She is applying to a competitive medical program and needs to put a ton of clinical hours in, so currently doing the EMT route to accomplish. So yes, that is the plan. I really did like the Honors College for the LLC aspect, the kids were great and very academically gifted, but she didnā€™t take any honors college classes. Let me ask her opinion though, she did say they were changing up how they do things in the HC. Also, at her graduation, there was a special recognition for those who completed something with the HC and that was cool. Iā€™ll confirm with her.


Congratulations! Itā€™s awesome that you can make a decision soon.

S23 was accepted to honors as well. Pitt is the frontrunner, but we want to visit campus one last time in March before making final decision.

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I have a question about advising at Pitt and honors college: does Honors College gives you an advantage in advising? Iā€™ve read in last yearā€™s Pitt thread that some parents had bad experience with advising at Pitt (student had an advisor not in his/her major and gave bad advice as he/she didnā€™t know well the progression of courses for the major). I know at Penn State students in the honors college are given advisors in their major freshmen year. Can you share your daughterā€™s experience with HC at Pitt?

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Middle kid was in Honors College at Pitt, before they went to the new format - back then it was GPA and test scores, no application. Perhaps your older daughter was in Honors under that system.

Middle kid wanted a dorm with suites, no communal bathrooms, and Honors gave her that. I agree, didnā€™t see a lot of value in Honors College beyond the dorm. I did not see any benefit when she applied to grad school. Professors in the departments of her majors were key to grad school applications - recommendations and they provided research and TA opportunities along the way.

Youngest is a freshman at Pitt, and was disappointed not to be in Honors, because she also has an issue with communal bathrooms. When she ended up in East Sutherland, she wasnā€™t concerned about Honors anymore.

Congrats to all on Honors, and those who didnā€™t get in, donā€™t worry. My freshman is already involved in research, just by reaching out and talking to grad students in her intended field of study.


Is her research paid?

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As far as I can tell, it looks like the most practical advantage to Honors College is earlier class registration. Not sure there is a lot of practical value other than that, since kids can participate in most of the features of the HC without having been admitted to it? Like you, I have heard mixed things about advising.

My kid felt really happy to be admitted to Honors though, so it is pushing Pitt higher on his list. He likes to feel appreciated. (Donā€™t we all?)


No, her research is not paid, though she has a paid job on campus (or actually a Pitt facility off campus), that is not quite research, but similar.

My middle kid did research, also not paid, though she was a TA for two different departments (and asked to TA for a third department), and the TA positions were paid. However, the TA positions donā€™t pay much.


This is the thing about Pitt that I find most surprising. I graduated from uiuc (big ten) and have friends from all the big ten and research was always paid. Not a fan of Pitt not paying student researchers.


Iā€™ll add this to the list to ask her! She had a regular advisor, not one from the HC. I think her advisor seemed to do a good job, she didnā€™t run into any issues.

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If I recall, there are lots of opportunities to work in labs around Oakland, due to UPMC being right there. In February of 2020, my daughter got a paid lab position in the medical school. (As a sophomore). Sadly, all of that shut down in March of 2020 due to the lockdown. She had very limited opportunities but that was due to Covid.

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My D started in fall of 2018. There was a GPA and test score cut off to apply, but she did have to submit an essay and application. I believe maybe 50-75% who made that cut off and applied were accepted, but that could be anecdotal. Can confirm about bathrooms, on the Honors floor in Sutherland West, she and her roommate actually had their own bathroom, although I believe most were suites.


Does she get academic credit for doing research? As someone else said, I am surprised that research is unpaid. Is that the norm? My older daughter is at another university and I did research at Carnegie Mellon as a student 30 years agoā€¦it was always paid or for academic credit.