University of Richmond Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Deferred. Very bummed, as this was certainly one of my daughter’s favorites. She already has a few other great options (with merit) in hand… but the news tonight stings a bit regardless.

Best of luck to everyone else!

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Deferred :persevere:

DD accepted, A relief because she had just been deferred at VIllanova tonight which was her first choice so this took off the sting. She likes Richmond, just a little smaller but we will definitely revisit. Communications major. 3.9 UW/4.5 W, 8 APs, strong leadership and essays. Hispanic from the midwest. Based on the portal it looks like they haven’t posted admitted student days yet, am I interpreting that right?

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Accepted! No scholarships mentioned.

I can see accepted student days, but had to click around a bit to find them - one in Feb, one March, and two in April. Congrats to your daughter!


Yes, I attended a campus tour and information session.

DS accepted, no merit, 1540 SAT, 3.95 UW 4.7 W, 11 APs through senior year, captain of varsity sport (not pursuing in college), started club at school, volunteer hours. independent research, part time job, solid essays. He did demonstrate interest through tour and information session last spring and fall preview visit. Richmond has been his favorite.
I attended my safety where I met DH and made lifelong friends … good luck to all, it will work out the way it’s supposed to in the end.


Daughter accepted with Presidential Scholarship. 3.95UW/4.49W, 35ACT, lots of ECs, sports, leadership/captain, 250 service hours.

Congratulations to everyone!


3.9 gpa UW, 2 varsity sports, captain of 1. Multi-State competitive speaker/debater placed 3rd in all events last year and was captain junior year, and mentor for senior year. Did a ton of internships with lawyers from other unis. and other E.C’s. Works part-time. Applied test-optional, did a tour and shadowed a class. Good rec. and Essay. Congrats to those admitted, wish me luck in R.D!


Accepted with PS too. Congrats to all getting good news tonight. If news wasn’t good don’t sweat it! When one door closes a window opens elsewhere.


Congrats. D deferred 3.97 U 5.2 W, IBDP highest rigor 1520 SAT. Good times!

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D deferred. 4.4 GPA, 32 ACT, DI, math major. Heard there were a record # of applications.

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Don’t see any denials. Wonder if they just accepted or deferred?

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Deferred here too.

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D23 was accepted EA. No merit that we could see.

3.93 UW/4.25 W
IB Diploma Candidate
Small private school that doesn’t rank
34 ACT
3 sport varsity athlete (not recruited); 3 sport captain; will graduate with 13 varsity letters
Chamber choir
School musical
Part time job
LORs - I’m guessing they were solid but can’t say for sure.
Solid essays but that’s subjective


Daughter was deferred. No. 1 in her class of over 300. 4.0 uw gpa/4.5 w gpa. Gov. School, 12 AP classes. Captain of the tennis team. Several hundred hours of volunteer time. Test optional. Very surprising. Wondering if test optional was really optional.

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My son was also deferred. UW 3.8, W 4.8 and ACT32. looks like a >34 required for acceptance


My daughter had a 34 ACT and was deferred, we were surprised! This cycle has been really tough, this is my 3rd time going through the process and this year feels the hardest so far.


First choice. DD accepted, no merit as of yet. Test optional, 4.6 wgpa, 3.9uwgpa. Top ten in class. 300 plus service hours. Captain of two varsity teams. 7 varsity letters, student government sec, president of several clubs, girls state, Hispanic, legacy (brother) Interest- 3tours, emails and school visit attendance. Deferred from Vilanova.
Congrats to all and good luck! Things work out like they should.


My DS was the opposite in at Nova and Deferred at Richmond.