University of San Diego Class of 2026 Admissions

I’m sorry. I can imagine how hard it is to be accepted but it to still be out of reach. My son hasn’t heard back yet and has very similar stats to your daughter so this helps because he will probably move forward with one of his other choices soon since merit aid would be an important factor. Congrats on all her accomplishments!

anybody hear anything today??? Mine still shows under committee review-this changed from ready for review yesterday afternoon.

ours is still “ready for review” today


Same here.

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I hear you. Get this - my son was offered 21k at USD but nothing at Santa Clara. But of the 2, he’d prefer Santa Clara! We should swap. Just kidding. But in all seriousness, there are going to be declined merit offers at these schools. Do schools then offer late merit or do they just save it for for next year? This has me wondering.


@washington_parent I pretty much wrote the same thing last week. Daughter’s top choices are USD and Santa Clara (though we haven’t visited SCU yet). She’s a finalist for the Johnson Scholarship at SCU, got the top admissions-based scholarship at almost every school she applied to (a lot!), honors invites where applicable, but got nothing at USD. She too was pretty devastated. Interestingly, she only got $14k at Santa Clara but is a finalist for the Johnson - we can’t figure that out. Anyway, I suggest that you file an appeal. We did at both schools. The worst they can say is no. We do have a change in circumstance, but truly the basis of our appeal is more on merit than need. Best wishes for your daughter. I hate it for her.

Son still shows “ready for review”… :frowning:


Does anyone know if they review applications in the order received? My D submitted hers a day or two before the deadline. Trying to make some sense of the way decisions are rolled out. At this point, she has moved on from USD since she hasn’t heard anything and has some other great choices. She really liked the school when we visited in November…even wanted a sweatshirt!

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My son applied only a day or two before the deadline. He heard he was accepted via email on Tues last week.

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Since my son’s status is still stuck at “Complete - Ready to Review” & he’s notorious for waiting till the last minute to submit any kind of paperwork, your comment made me curious & I logged into his portal to see this…Definitely not a good sign😜

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S22 application was complete with all information received by 25-Oct and still says “Complete - Ready for Review”. Almost two months before deadline.

Mine was is over a month ahead of time. Still complete - ready for review. :frowning:

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Update… son has. 4.15 from most prestigious private school in the state. 4 years varsity football (all state his senior year and team captain), 2 years varsity basketball-state champs his junior year, 2 years varsity baseball. Young life host, student vestry. Part time job, numerous volunteer hours. Usd is #1 choice. Received denial letter last night. Guess it was not meant to be. Good luck to everyone else

For those admitted, did you find your merit aid awards in the portal the day you were admitted? Or did they come later?

We got it four days later. She got the Presidential Scholarship for $18,000 and the USD grant for $30,050.


Sorry to hear that. He has impeccable credentials - no question he’ll be an asset to the college he joins.

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I really hope USD reads this and takes to heart. Mine was opposite but same thought process. I thought of USD as my first choice hands down. My acceptance came in a second wave months after SDSU, long after first acceptances at USD and week after UC’s/Cal Poly. It felt like the boyfriend that just wasn’t that into you. I know it’s a great school but I truly lost my excitement.


I called admissions today and they emphasized that they can only release in waves (I’m thinking it’s a system issue). Anywho, they will accept/reject/waitlist all the way down to the last wave. So, being in the last wave does not indicate anything about the student’s likelihood of acceptance. That’s what I was told…


Sure saved me piles of $$$

It is hard juggling the emotion for sure. My DS had heart set on UCSB from the start. Before his visits his list was
Santa Clara
Penn State
Then we visited schools and USD and SDSU moved up to #2 and #3 Pepperdine moved up and UCSD moved off the list entirely. He applied and then all that we found out about UC Schools lack of merit for non residents and SDSU and the chances of merit aid kind of pushed UCSB and UCLA out of mix. An early acceptance by SDSU kept his interest since he also got into Honors College. He was super lucky to get great offers on merit end from Pepperdine, USD and SCU. He chose USD last week. I did not make it official with the school the UCs were coming. He got accepted to UCLA last week and actually got some merit award and last night got accepted to UCSB. he was flattered to be accepted but said his mind was made up for USD. So I feel good he has found his home. No second guesses… yet!