University of San Diego Class of 2026 Admissions

Status changed to committee review what does that mean

She got in!!! It has been such a torturous wait. Now we wait for merit. We can’t really swing it without it. Fingers crossed as it has been her first choice all along. But she also got into cal poly slo and their program in her major is growing on her with all this waiting. I now don’t know what she will choose even if the merit is good. This whole process has been so interesting. This was the final acceptance she was waiting on and she has seven excellent schools to choose from. So glad to be moving on to the next stage. Celebrations and decisions!

Good luck to everyone still waiting and thank you to everyone on this board for keeping me sane during the long long wait. Cheers!


That means you should know soon. Keep checking back.

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Congrats to your DD. Did you get a notification in the mail, or checked the portal?

She checked the portal and it had switched to committee review and then about 10 minutes later it switched to admitted. No email yet. From what I’ve seen I think it will come this afternoon.


Nothing yet here for anyone out there in the same boat.

S22 accepted with portal update today between 11am-noon PST today for Business.

Note: Based on earlier helpful posts in this thread from past Monday acceptances → Portal change happens some time on Monday at various times (if at all). However, the actual acceptance email and (if applicable) award email doesn’t comes until Tuesday at ~3pm PST and ~6pm PST respectively.

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Still under Committee Review since this morning. Is that a bad sign?

Still “Ready for review” here. As of 3:45 PM. Ugh.

I think there was a delay in our email being sent, so it may come in a bit.


Same here

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Same here. USD went from far and away DD first choice on March 1st to now not planning to attend, if lucky enough to still be admitted. She’s now focusing on UCSC, so going to save me big bucks!!!


My DD’s portal still says, ‘Ready for Review.’ She got into SDSU in mid December, but was hoping for an offer from USD as well. This is the last school she’s waiting on. Oh well.

Same here!

Would any parents who received the USD grant mind sharing the $ amount you received? S22 received a nice USD grant but no merit aid, leaving the net cost a bit above our budget. Trying to determine if there is any room to ask for more. Feel free to DM me. Thanks all.

@CUBuffs1 , my daughter got the Presidential Scholarship for $18,000 and the USD grant for $30,050.00.

Bong - did the combined merit and USD grant bring the cost in at or below your EFC? S22 received a 27K USD grant but we are still a fair amount above our EFC.

USD doesn’t commit to meeting full need of students, as far as I know. USNews shows they meet around 79% I believe.

I feel like USD thinks they are far more important than they are. They wait and wait and lose people to far better places (and less expensive as well) with their delays. Their slowness puts a bad taste in peoples mouths as they get far fewer applications than a UC and yet they still can’t get an answer out as quickly as a UC. Furthermore, the UC App is far more complicated with a lot more information. I saw posts last year that they announced acceptances via email at 11:58 pm on 3/31 and 1:20 am on 4/1. We already accepted UCI (1 week ago) by the time USD provided my son his offer on 3/21. Cal is a far superior school and hopefully your girl feels incredibly happy about being offered a highly coveted spot there.

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I feel this post. Usd was high on my daughters list but this excruciating wait has really turned everyone Off. it’s the only school she still hasn’t heard from it looks like she will be committing to Tulane with merit and honors. Good luck to all those still waiting

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