University of San Diego Class of 2026 Admissions

I highly doubt they think they are more important than they are…USD is a smaller school thus are staffed with way less admission staff…thus it takes a lot longer to conduct a holistic approach to applicants. USD spends more time assessing applicants merit, and achievements than UC schools who receive 100,000 applicants. (Students are more of a number instead of person at the big schools!) I am sorry you had an issue, but please keep in mind, it is not the admissions office fault for lack of staffing…these issues arise with being a smaller school as compared to MOST California schools. Hope you find success elsewhere!


Also keep in mind admissions office are required not only to read applications, but put on many events, out-of-state events and recruitment etc… They are most likely trying their best to remedy an issue such that you presented.

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So here’s the thing…looking back on last years cycle they had the same thing happening. I get that they are a small school doing their best but their best isn’t cutting it. My daughter also applied to many other similar sized private institutions that were able to get their decisions out in a timely manner. In fact, all of those other colleges also had ED and some had EA As well. So if those institutions can figure out how to evaluate tens of thousands of applications, Between different Ed/ea and rd cycles , why. Can’t Usd figure out the only cycle they offer…rd?


I get that. I went to USD for Law School 25 years ago. I like USD. I just think they should do better next time. This has been a problem for a few years in a row reading prior years threads.

My son applied to a ton of schools between UC’s and privates. USD is just slow. USC gets more applications and has more essays and got their answers out all in one day. LMU got theirs out quickly too as did UW, Tulane, NYU etc. I think USD likely needs to higher more people as things in admissions have changed a lot these past few years. At the end of the day, I was sort of happy they weren’t done admitting though as once my son fortunately got into his first choice he could reject his USD spot immediately and hopefully have that spot go to the next excited eager applicant ASAP :slight_smile:

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Totally valid…hey I would be frustrated too. I just am adding my experience working BTS in their offices when I went to USD…they have good intentions but yes, should definitely fine tune their process. Congratulations to your son! Sounds like he is ending up in the right place:)

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Sorry for typo’s talk text is not perfect! :slight_smile: :upside_down_face: He is excited about UCI (he’s a ranked gamer and they are huge in that) and I am excited he will be close by at his number one choice. Thank you. I know USD will be great for anyone who gets to go there.

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There are many other colleges that have not yet released decisions, like Ivies or Tufts.

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This is true, but they have defined dates of when ALL of their RD applicants will find out, at the same time. USD has been rolling out decisions for almost a month, and had the earliest RD application submission deadline compared to MOST schools (I know UCs are much earlier). We were lucky to have been notified of my sons acceptance on March 8th. We are currently still waiting on Syracuse, which has been rolling them out, with no information or consistency, for about 2 weeks, and I know how frustrating that is, so I really feel for those still waiting here. I feel both schools could & should do better, even a more defined & stated roll out schedule would be an improvement. People shouldn’t feel like they need to check their email or portal 52 times a day, it just adds another layer of stress that could be alleviated.

I completely agree, yes.

Waitlist letter last night. Portal still says ready for review. It really makes you feel they didn’t get to you.

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It was the merit aid. We do not qualify for anything need based and as a non-resident of CA he won’t get much to help with UCSB or UCLA out of state tuition. I specifically pushed him to SDSU due to low out of state tuition. He ended up getting 4 year ROTC scholarship that covers tuition. He could have went to any of the schools. Then is came down to which schools he liked and the fact the private schools all awarded enough merit aid 18K SCU/ 45K Pepperdine and 39K USD. All of those figures cover room and board easily and make a full ride for him. UCSB. The public schools can’t compete. Although he did get 9K from UCLA and ROTC at UCLA is offering to make it work. I personally really got a great vibe from all three private schools on how they educate vs the large public schools. I think he did too.

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He really did like his campus visit to SDSU. It was in his top couple schools. There has been no financial aid award yet. Kind of makes it hard to keep them in the running.

I wonder the same thing. This is not new, last years thread was the same way. Ours still says ready for review.
My daughter has a4.3 gpa, 32 ACT. GOod essays and has made it clear by visiting in person( from the east coast) many virtual events that usd was a top choice. My daughter reached out to her admissions officer on Monday just to see if she knew when her result was going to be made available. And she wanted to make sure that her application was intact. The admissions officer got back to her fairly quickly and said that she checked and that her application was complete and that it was in review by the committee and that her results would be out by yesterday(Tuesday) but still nothing. I do wonder if they even get to every single application. My daughters was submitted back in October. Very frustrating


Got a waitlist email yesterday too. Portal still says Ready For Review… Whatever. At least we know now.

My son was accepted today, so they are still making their way through applications. Good luck to everyone still waiting. It is hard!


my son has a 4.2, good essays as well. varsity athlete in football, basketball, and baseball. All state football player. USD wants him to join team in 2nd semester (grey shirt). Part time job, many volunteer hours. He goes to the hardest/most prestigious school in the state. He was denied to USC. I look at it as their loss. He has accepted a preferred walk on football offer from u of arizona.


i mean usd

i mean denied usd

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We are OOS and visiting California next week during our spring break. We can’t make it to torero day and have already done the general tour at USD. Has anyone had any luck contacting admissions for personal tours? I would love for my child to meet with a student in their major and get that perspective now that they are an admitted student.

@CMCHX4 Did you already try contacting your admissions officer? Alternatively, you could try contacting the department chair for the intended major and see if they can connect you with a current student in that major who is available next week during your visit.

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