University of Texas Canfield Business Honors Program Class of 2025 - UT BHP

Congratulations to him!

I am not sure if you’re stating it correctly or leaving some information out, but yes, she applied priority, but she WAS accepted to McCombs in early December, not in February!

It was BHP that she wasn’t accepted into until February. That is a big difference and I just wanted to make that clear to anyone who thinks that she applied priority but wasn’t accepted into UT until after February.

@amaraag @Sfo2ord

Also, @101senioritis101 CSB doesn’t yet have any graduates. It is only on year 2. It was new my daughter’s year (she’s a sophomore). It was very small that year with the goal of growing it every year thereafter. Fantastic program if one can get in, but very tough as they essentially make it so you have to take summer school unless you have tons of AP classes. It is generally through the BHP umbrella which is why the interviews are coming from there for both. Also if you don’t get into it, please know that one of the McCombs majors is a stem track and if you get into BHP you can do that as a double major as well. It’s great for the tech/engineering minded students.


Yes, I meant BHP as well, but thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile: Also, for those who have had interviews, what are they like? What do you guys talk about? How long is it? I know an interview is highly unlikely at this point, but I’ve always been curious about what the phone interviews are like so I was just wondering hahaha :sweat_smile:


Ah, my fault. I remember in the admissions presentation them saying it was the “second class”, but I added the word “graduated” in there by myself :grimacing:. Thank you so much for that information about the double major – if they accept 2020 ap credit (not guaranteed yet) then I should be at a relatively good spot (I’ve gotten a 4/5 on nearly every exam they give credit for). Although I am getting ahead of myself there – still gotta wait another 1-3 days before getting my decision!

I realllllllly enjoyed my interview. I was actually so stressed because my interviewer showed up 30 minutes late – but he had the CUTEST reason for why and it served as a great starting point for our talk. He had a list of about 5 broad questions and it went on for about 45 (?) minutes? I don’t fully remember. I thought I would hate phone interviews but I actually really enjoyed it, cause I was just pacing around my room and I felt like I was talking to a friend : )


No, I understood that she was accepted to McCombs in December, like my son, and then accepted to CBHP in mid-February. The point I was making is that “priority honors” applications are due to hear back by Feb 1st and it doesn’t feel like there is enough time for an interview this late in the month. Perhaps your daughter applied Priority to Texas/McCombs but after the Nov 1 date for Honors, therefore she was due to hear back on Honors by March 1st. Not sure, but they sent us an email saying Feb 1. Thanks for clarification.

I also got a call for CBHP this afternoon! In-state auto-admit; submitted application mid-October, accepted to McCombs early December, interviewed mid-December.


When you apply to UT, you only have a certain number of days to have all of your honors materials in. I believe it’s a week. Hers were all in before the November 1 deadline.

All Honors applicants hear back by March 1. I am pretty sure they are not dependent on one another. In other words, only your acceptance to the university is what you would hear from by the priority deadline, not your honors acceptance. There were other people who she knew that were rejected from BHP right up until the March 1 deadline when they fill their program. So not hearing from BHP before Feb 1 doesn’t mean anything.

When you’re rejected from an honors program, your portal will show rejected. So if you don’t have a rejection from BHP by Feb 1, then you know you’re still in the running.



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don’t quote me on this, but my understanding is this:

you will get a decision FOR CBHP by February 1st. That is evidenced in this FAQ on page 3:

Your decision can be either an acceptance, rejection, or a deferral. The reason I say don’t quote me is that I’m not sure deferral is even an option - is that somewhere on the website/a reliable link? Either way, you will know what is happening by February 1st. Although my best guess is that we’ll know what is happening by this Friday.


In state auto. Applied in October and interviewed in November. If I didn’t hear today do you think I still have a chance?

Some people have gotten deferrals to march 1 in previous years

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I’m not sure how they release decisions (possibly by time of interview and region) but there’s definitely still a chance that you’ll get in!

I hope you are right, but we were told otherwise by the honors program. At this point there isn’t much to do but wait and check the portal. Thank you for your guidance.

Could be that they changed it the year after Canfield came in, which would’ve been with last year’s class. I guess you’ll all know soon enough. Good luck!

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For the people who have been admitted, what regions are y’all from?

I’m from West Texas (close to Midland and Odessa)

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Near Dallas

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