University of Texas Canfield Business Honors Program Class of 2025 - UT BHP

What time did you get a call?


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Congrats. Do you mind sharing your stats with us as well? Thanks.

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Have there been any more acceptances today?

I don’t think so

thanks and ofc!

Rank: Top 0.5%
GPA: 4.0 UW
SAT: 1510
State: TX
Taking 15+ AP Classes
4 leadership positions in school
State and International business awards
Tutored consistently through various orgs
Worked part-time during junior year
Business internships/mentorships
and a few other ecs


That is so impressive. I am not surprised that you were admitted. You are so deserving. Well done!

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Hoping for more acceptances today :pray:t5:


i emailed cbhp today and they said we will for sure hear back by feb 1. i was a little confused bc I’ve definitely heard in previous years that people heard back mid feb as well, but maybe that was for regular decision? either way, we have four days left to hear back, yikes I’m nervous


It’ll probably be updated tomorrow right? I don’t think they’ll come out with any on the weekend and February 1st happens to be on Monday

i think they might come out on the weekend. But I was looking at last years cycle and most decisions came out on the 30th(its a thursday) and so that would mean descions should have came out today. But You are probably right that theyll come out tmrw or maybe this weekend.

Also, were there any decisions today? I dont think so…

Not any that I saw unfortunately… there really haven’t been many at all so far it’s kinda weird

yeah it is really weird… I mean at this point i guess we wait and chill till tmrw.

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Yep… good luck!

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honestly thats what i was thinking, but it may be the weekend just because the previous small wave for regular admissions for autos came out last weekend on a Saturday.

yea i havent seen many acceptances but i also considered the fact that maybe all of acceptances were released on tuesday itself? and maybe no ones talking about it? hopefully that isnt the case and we get good news soon though

Hello everyone! I have a question. Unfortunately, I wasn’t accepted into the McCombs School for Business but in December, I received an interview for BHP. Is it possible that I am still being considered for BHP even though I didn’t get into the regular business school? (they accepted me as an advertising major last week but there’s been no known update on the honors program)

Yeah here’s to hoping haha

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I don’t think so, I’m pretty sure you need to be admitted to Mccombs to be in BHP… again not completely sure