University of Vermont Early Decision/Early Action Fall 2023

It’s brutal for sure. My daughter applied ED to BC last year and I’m starting to understand just how amazing it was to know where she was headed by 12/2…even just waiting two more weeks is torture… (i can’t imagine waiting on regular decisions at this point, ha!). I’m starting to refresh his portal obsessively…

I heard the Nov 29 date from a Washington DC area parent forum. But it’s an anonymous forum and people do make things up.

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ha is this dcum

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You’re not alone! I think I need to start a reward system for myself when I put it out of mind for a minimum amount of time (desserting my way through the wait?). I’m trying to be “good” and let it be his process and his discovery when the news is announced.

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Haha - yeah, that wouldn’t work out so well with my “diet”. And yes…I do hear you on trying to be “good”…and let it be his discovery…I will definitely do the same (I think i’m obsessively looking because I know it’s going to be another week). Last year when we got the alert about my daughters school releasing, i was able to restrain myself, and found out from her that she was accepted - so I know I can do it :rofl:.

Agree – I just want to know the definite date, and then I can be patient…while I eat brownies.


I’ve been resisting the urge all morning to call and ask if they know when the release date will be. Going to be a long week of waiting!

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Do it!! I actually went through all their Instagram posts to 2015. They’ve released on this Thursday since 2016. 2015 it was Tuesday.


That’s a fair response. I was unnecessarily snippy. Sorry about that. If I was allowed to edit, I’d remove my comment. Good luck to your kid.

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Isn’t it terrible that they don’t allow you to delete your own posts? Anyway, clearly my response to @cliffordstower sounded serious instead of amused. It is the wish so many of us think but wouldn’t do. Regardless of when they release, we’re pretty sure it will be this week and we are one day closer!


A bit off topic, but the best thing is to flag a post and let the moderators know what’s going on. (Which is what happened here. :wink: )

It can be a stressful time for everyone. (And not just because of the admission decisions.) I deleted a couple of posts and I wish everyone a wonderful holiday!


Thanks. I was going to do that (“will you please remove my post?”) but the guidelines say under no circumstances should we ask the moderator to edit or remove one of my own posts. Thanks for doing that. :slight_smile:

There is another site (College Essay Advisors) that shows December 17 as the date. Seems odd they’d have a specific date when nobody here can find one? And would UVM release their decision to students on a Saturday?

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2 of my kids were accepted 2 different years, both on a Thursday (12/12/2019, 12/16/2021). I think Saturday acceptances are unlikely but you never know, I expect we will hear at the end of this week. I have never known UVM not to set a specific date and am not sure why they have not announced one.


Are we all wondering about the lack of housing in Burlington?

The lack concerns me.

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Freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus, so they are guaranteed housing. The issue currently is that their yield has been high the past couple of cycles so they are over-enrolled, causing forced triples and anxiety for the current sophomore class which is larger than usual and will need to move off campus in the fall…

My son is a junior at UVM and he lives off campus. He signed a lease in October of his sophomore year for this current year and it was a smooth and easy process for him. This timeline was what I saw recommended by most parents on the UVM parent FB page, and he confirmed that this was the buzz on campus. If your student is prepared to make housing arrangements during the early fall of their sophomore year, they should be ok, but they 100 percent need to be ready to hit the ground running.


This is the new mantra in my house: “I just wish I knew a definite date, so I could patiently sit back & eat brownies while waiting :two_hearts:


Do we think the Instagram video was misinformed when the admissions officer referred to “mid December,” and they’re sticking with their original “late December” plan?

My guess would be that they have a published date that gives them some leeway if they need it, but college offices do shut down over the holidays. Nobody is there on 12/31. At least the past 5 years results have been announced Thursday of this week. So I just think whoever answered the phone was giving the official answer. I would trust the admissions rep. If he were wrong, they would pull down the video. I don’t know if it’s this week or next week but I highly doubt it’s after Christmas.

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This is a very oversimplified reply but …
My son goes to school in MA and this is the story there too, and parents there say it’s true for their kids at other colleges too. Every school in the country is over subscribed because more kids said yes than they anticipated because so many schools have gotten so much more exclusive. That’s true here in CA for sure. There’s housing shortages on campus and off everywhere. This is not unique to UVM. In my son’s college town, apartment leases run June 1-May 31, and you pretty much need to sign your lease in the September/October timeframe to get a good place, where good means basic, old college town good, not luxury highrise good. It’s shocking but it is the case.