University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

Applied CS/Got Pre-Sciences - Didn’t get any waitlist email. You are better off with the Waitlist I am guessing.

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Have you checked out ACMS as a backup?

This sounds like a good question to ask someone at UW.

  • Not sure who thinks this is a great idea from students perspective. Compete instead of collaborate for a year and have 12% chance of not getting the major you want. 27% for BioE, 18% for MechE.
  • Looks like it is optimized for what is best for UW. Seems like a high risk from expensive OOS $ perspective.

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I got the same email. I’m trying to assess whether most in-state CS rejects got it or if it’s rare and I have an actual chance.

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Quite a few engineering schools have this sort of program with integrated first year engineering and a competitive process for major selection in the second year.

I think it’s probably good for:

  • Students who are open to a variety of different majors within engineering
  • Students who don’t yet know which major they want, so that they have time to explore multiple options in their first year
  • Students who know that they want a less competitive major, such as Materials or Industrial Engineering
  • Or any students who manage to excel in the first year and get into the major of their choice through the competitive process

It is not good for:

  • Students who only want a specific highly impacted major such as Bioengineering, and would be unhappy in another major
  • Students who want to be sure from day one which major they are admitted to
  • Students who feel that the pressure and uncertainty of the secondary process would have a negative impact on their studies or school experience

For my son it’s actually a positive thing, since he’s interested in some of the less impacted majors, and he also feels that he would benefit from the first year exploring different options.


Don’t most places say have a certain min GPA in the first year, make sure these pre-requisite courses are complete to be able to declare for the admitted major? One can always make the pre-reqs hard to ensure who gets in.

Competing and re-apply with short answers, ECs, resume seems like an unnecessary process for those who know what they want to major in. I was hoping my S23 would enjoy the first year, settle in and by junior year get really competitive wrt research after some internships.

It does not look like UW is that kinda place. It is contrary to the great vibe we got when we visited last Sep. The entire Admission Counselor presentation didnt seem to cover this competition & re-apply process.

Yes, I agree that this kind of process is not as good of a fit for those who know what they want to major in, and who want a highly impacted major. If that is your S23, then maybe another school would be a better choice?

There are pros and cons to UW’s process. Using ECs and resume is more holistic, which is good for some kids, not so good for others.

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Didn’t they already go through that holistic process for the first admission?

I think they are trying to prop up other departments that are less requested by students. I do like the explore various majors aspect.

S23 does have other BioE options at CaseWestern, UMDCP with higher merit scholarships but he just loved the vibe at UW. I just wish AO was more forthcoming about re-application process in the on-site presentation.

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Those are some great options. My son is also considering CWRU (which would also be cheaper than UW for us) and some other schools.

I do feel UW Engineering is very direct about the pros and cons of the secondary major admission process on their web site. All the info is there, including the numbers that you posted. But you have to actively look into it to find the info. You are right that Admissions doesn’t focus on this.

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No you have a chance.

Those are still very good chances imo.

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Again ECs and resumes are only one part of their holistic review. You can read their website to clearly see what they consider in a holistic review. They CDS also contains their review factors. Following that thoroughly (as well as strong academics) is almost a guaranteed admission for in-state (even into CS). OOS may have a luck factor in play.

I had very weak extracurriculars but strong grades. The reason I got in was because I worded by so few extracurriculars and essays in a proper way + my academics were sufficient to overcome those weak extracurriculars.

FYI, we were discussing secondary admission to major for ENGRUD, not freshman admission to UW.

Oh I see. But same ideas still apply (its even easier looking at the rates)

Even the harder majors like Mechanical Engineering has a 82% acceptance rate. Bioengineering is probably the only risky one.

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Is there a waitlist thread?

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Although an 82% acceptance rate for MechE may look great, you have to keep in mind that secondary admission for ENGRUD is a different sort of risk factor than admission chance in the first place.

Think of the student who wants MechE, commits to UW, spends freshman year at UW… and then doesn’t get MechE as their major. They are now stuck in a major they may not have wanted (unless they transfer to another university).

Perhaps the student could have attended a different university where they would have had direct admission to MechE or where the major was not impacted.

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Twins2023 This is great to know. I wonder what’s the process getting accepted from waitlist?

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Is getting into presciences but being waitlisted from cs a brand new thing? I can’t find a single piece of information from past years and I have only seen this happen to a couple of others.