University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

I 100% agree. Their first year should be about collaboration, finding their place and friends, and building a social life aside from academics. They already wrote the essays and got the grades to qualify for the program. Fulfilling the prerequisites should be enough to guarantee their major; there should be no need to create this kind of competition for first-year students.


ENGRUD students are guaranteed placement into an engineering major, as long as they complete the first year requirements with a 2.5 GPA. It just might not be their first choice major, if that one is highly impacted.

UW emphasizes that a student can pursue options in their area of interest from a variety of engineering majors, and UW provides concentration options in most majors to support this. I actually think this is an interesting approach. Look at “Areas of Impact” and see how UW gives examples for a variety of majors in each area of impact: Explore Engineering

UW’s system is very similar to its northern neighbor, UBC, which also requires a personal statement as part of the secondary major application process. Here’s a chart and information showing historical placement data from UBC, so you can compare.


as in i wasn’t recruited, nothing special, etc

Yes, and
 I have one of the kids who know exactly what they want and who never pick an alternate major. So for my son, this is a disadvantage to a college with direct-to-major admissions. That all being said, UW seems to be a great school, I’m just not a fan of this process.


How to do that ? Write emails to them? Appeal ? What works ?


I wish to know the same. And wait listing came later on Saturday and not with the decision letter. And as far as I know not all who were offered presciences were waitlisted.

He was waitlisted at the time of decision right ? What does your letter say ? Mine said Pre sciences and then got an email that I am waitlisted. I am wondering how it differs ?

Now I am seeing on here somewhere that they no longer accept letters of continued interest. However if it were my kid, I would have them send an email to their admissions counselor and any other relevant emails I could find. This is complete “non professional” advice, I am just a parent and believe that squeaky wheels get the grease. Again, friend’s son appealed 5 times and finally got in, but that was last year so who knows if the process is different now. Either way, an email telling the UW that you think they are awesome and you are a great fit for these reasons can’t hurt. Good luck!

Now seeing your status is waitlisted? I am assuming that means you are waitlisted as direct admit to your specific major which is better than just being admitted pre sciences - or that is my understanding anyway.

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yes, I got admitted to pre sciences, applied to CS and than on Saturday I received an email that I am waitlisted for CS. Asked my other friends in same situation but no one else got that email. So I am assuming I still have chances to get CS if someone leaves the spot.


Son got into UW (engineering undeclared, with $5400 scholarship),Cal Poly (biomedical enginering), and UC Davis (biomedical engineering with $13125 scholarship). They are all about the same cost per year. He is from Hawaii and is looking for advice on pros and cons. He is leaning toward UW. He won’t miss the sunshine and doesn’t care to do outdoor activities. He rather go to the gym. lol


MyD22 from CA ended up being best friends with somebody from Hawaii (We visit Hawaii every year, so she now gets the best of both worlds). I went to Cal Poly and know Davis very well (grew up in the Bay area). All great academic choices. Just comes down to what your son wants to experience. I will say with an open mind
University of Washington has the most impressive campus (and has the best exploring area/foods around. In comparison to Cal Poly and Davis). Cal Poly is a nice college town, but not much else around. From Davis you can go to SF, but it’s much harder/further than going into downtown Seattle from UDub. Congrats to your son.

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UW is a great school but I think it’s the worst option among the 3 in my opinion. The school is great and their BME program is great too BUT there is no major certainty. I would never pay OOS tuition when the major is uncertain but ymmv.


I have 2 at UW - one in Plant Biology/Japanese; the other in Computer Engineering. UW has tons of kids from Hawaii and easy flights home. The academics, professors, and students are honestly wonderful. We’ve been SO surprised and impressed by the warmth of the faculty, in particular.

That said, my daughter liked the vibe of Davis much better than UW, and she would have gone to Davis if they had accepted all her Running Start credits. The safety factor between the two isn’t comparable. I won’t get into the specifics here, but my daughter does not feel comfortable off campus at UW. Davis is also much cheaper for off campus housing. My kids’ off campus apartment is one of the nicer ones, but it’s also $3600/month for a two bedroom, just for context.

Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. We live just north of Seattle and my hubby is a guest lecturer at UW (in addition to his regular job), so I’m happy to answer any questions if I can.

Sending you all the best as you navigate these great options!


I heard UW admit rate was 11% this year. Might be major specific but anyone else hear what the admit rate was?

According to faculty, that info isn’t out yet, but I highly doubt that acceptance rate is accurate for the overall pool of first year applicants (though it definitely could be for a highly selective DTC major).

I have seen faculty say publicly that they’re planning to enroll 7,100 first years for 2023-24. The typical yield at UW is 25%. This year, there were 62,000 applicants, at a 25% yield, 28,400 students would be accepted to get an entering class of 7,100. So that’s a 45.8% acceptance rate.

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Thanks. I just know several families where DCs had 4.0 UW that were rejected and just trying to sort out the tea leaves

Same! I know of many ultra high stat students who were waitlisted or rejected outright. It is heartbreaking, for sure, especially because there aren’t other good public school/affordable options in Washington.


I do not know anyone who got onto the waitlist
 you have a solid shot. I’ll be taking my seat, but maybe someone else won’t and you might hopefully get in :grinning:


Wow a 5 on all the AP exams. I did the same but with only 10 AP exams before senior (more taken as classes this yr) :joy:

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A 4.0 UW without any AP classes or advanced curriculum isn’t viewed highly at the UW.
Also if the student’s essays weren’t that good that can be another reason.

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