University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thank you for the validation :slight_smile: I was just honestly looking for some insight; I am legit concerned about all of the studentā€™s safety. I love that you were able to pick up your daughter after those late night labs - we would do the same if we were in state

My daughter will be studying Poli Sci (pre law track). Thank you for the ā€œdoableā€ comment.


Just stay on campusā€¦

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We are OOS and my daughter is finishing her freshman year. She loves it and has not had any issues. Of course she does not walk on the Ave late at night by herself. She is so happy and I have visited many times and walk by myself until 10 or 11 and it has been safe. I went to Penn undergrad and can tell you that Penn was worse in my opinion.


Thank you! Greatly appreciate it.

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Did anyone attend Admitted Students Day today? We were set to attend and then were unable to unfortunately. I would love feedback, impressions, etc. from the day, thanks!

My son and husband attended. He was very confused and unsure of his college decision before he attended, and honestly, I think feeling a bit defeated about not knowing what to do. He had already attended 3 other college admittance days and UW was the last one. They really did an amazing job of making the kids feel special, supported, and excited. My son got all his questions answered, his concerns alleviated, and fell in love with the school. He committed on the spot. The staff, faculty, and students were extremely friendly, helpful, and supportive. The school showed a ton of spirit teaching the students a cheer and how to make a W with their hands. The faculty that spoke did an amazing job showing the positives on going to a large school and how many opportunities they provide students and how there is something for everyone. And how students can make the school into a smaller community based on joining clubs, organizations, etc. Then my son spoke with the amazing academic advisor in his major as well as student ambassadors within his major. They spoke about all the research they have done and all the internships they had and my son was just mind blown. So many opportunities!!! Then my son took a tour of the northern campus residence halls. The day before he walked around the west side residence halls and that was concerning him. He isnā€™t a city guy and didnā€™t feel comfortable living in a city type feel. When he took a tour of the north campus residence halls, that sealed the deal. He loved that it had a campus feel and not a city feel (just his preference), was amazed at how new and nice the residence hall was with lounges and kitchens on each floor, study rooms, and private bathrooms. He was also amazed by the large selection of food that the cafeterias have. And the amenities that the HUB has with the food court, bowling alley, game room, etc. is fantastic. There is truly something for everyone there. There are just so many academic and social opportunities. He was truly impressed and is now super excited to be a Husky!


Thank you for this detailed response. Glad it was such a great day for your son!!

I am trying to understand the credit of courses. If we bring credit worth a year and then join the college, are we considered sophomore or freshman? I ask this question because I want to understand the transfer option. If we transfer, we have to choose which year we are in and in this situation what do we choose?

I would call admissions to make sure you get the correct information. It is confusing.

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Does university of washington provides guranteed housinh for 4 years ?

Housing at UW is not guaranteed. If demand is high, UWā€™s policy is to prioritize students whose home address is outside of commuting distance. I would guess that it is also important to stay on top of deadlines. Apply for housingā€”New Residents - UW HFS

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with all of the new buildings going up right next to UW- I doubt it will be an issue. I know a ton of kids are moving off campus as sophomores- my DH included. The new places are very nice.

Yes, my son was impressed by the dorms he saw on the housing tour on admitted students day, too!

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How do we submit an appeal?, never mindā€¦ only rejected call appeal I guess?

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I saw somewhere that the acceptance rate in CS for in state is about 20% and OOS 3%. It is easier to get into the Ivies than OOS CS at UW

Any international student here that has applied for I-20? We clicked the MyISSS link but donā€™t kmow how to proceed because there is no clickable link.

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Did you hear back anything ?


2 posts were split to a new thread: University of Washington Class of 2028 Official Thread