University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

DMed you.

My kidā€™s packet did arrive in the mail today!


Just waitlisted for honors. Didnā€™t even know they had a waitlist for honors. :woman_shrugging:

My son got the same email today. I told him maybe he will be ā€œmore honorableā€ in a few weeks, if others decline. A waitlist for honors seems weird to me. It should be a pretty straight yes/no.

Last year my oos D (now a freshman) received p&g merit scholarship notification with acceptance.

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Do we have any students/parents here who went through the Engineering Placement process at UW before? Any comments on the experience would be helpful.


Note that the ENGRUD system is relatively new. According to the web site, ā€œthe first Direct to College cohort of 905 Engineering Undeclared (ENGRUD) students entered the UW in autumn 2018.ā€ So there have only been four previous cohorts that have been through the process. The web site has archived placement data for each cohort here: Placement data | UW College of Engineering

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Totally agreeā€¦.expected something more exciting

Is Computer Engineering now a ā€œdirect admit to majorā€ this year? If accepted, should the acceptance indicate oneā€™s major is CE rather than undeclared engineering like the rest of the COE applicants?

Itā€™s been a direct admit for the last couple of years.


Is there a UW appeal thread for this yearā€™s appeals discussion?

We submitted an appeal just today for 2023 admission decision and did not receive any ack email.
Does nā€™t UW send anything like an ack email for submitted appeals?

not receiving welcome package yetā€¦, probably wonā€™t receiveā€¦

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Anyone elseā€™s student get an encrypted email about an hour ago from UW that they canā€™t open?

Has anyone else visited UW and left being terrified of leaving their child there? We had multiple sketchy encounters within half a block of the school. Did not feel the slightest bit safe. I would love to hear otherā€™s thoughts or experiences. I am well aware of big city issues- this was far worse than expected.

I live just outside Seattle, the city is pretty much a mess, has been for the past several years, but noticeably worsened during the pandemic. I donā€™t feel safe in the U District at all, and I would be nervous too if my kid was going there (maybe not terrified, but definitely anxious). Kids at UW learn to be street smart, carry pepper spray, walk in groups, avoid The Ave, etc. Check out the reddit UW thread for more info on campus safety/crime, lots of students post there.

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I know ā€œterrifiedā€ sounds ridiculous but honest to God that is my truth. NY and LA were walks in the park in comparison. She loves the school but safety of simply walking to the bookstore definitely raises some flags.

Thank you for the suggestion of Reddit. I will take a look. Appreciate your honest feedback.

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I think ā€œterrifiedā€ is not too extreme, especially in your shoes. I just usually feel shocked and sad, but Iā€™ve lived here a long time, donā€™t live right in the city anymore, get to leave when Iā€™m uncomfortable and would not go there at night. The bookstore is on the Ave, the whole area is pretty sketchy, I agree. Did you go to U Village? Itā€™s super upscale, and is where more kids hang out these days rather than on the Ave. The Starbucks there is usually packed with UW students. I wonder if it might be possible to just avoid the Ave as a student, I donā€™t know.

Was there anything good about the UW visit? How did your daughter feel?

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What is she planning to study? I asked this because, if she is going into a STEM field, particularly one that requires biology or chemistry, many of the labs end late in the evening, like 9:00 p.m. My daughter attends UW, and we would literally pick her up after her evening labs. Otherwise, honestly, I think safety definitely isnā€™t the best, but itā€™s doable for most students. That said, my daughter is looking elsewhere for grad school because of the safety concerns.

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