University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

Does she like it there?

The UW AO that came to my kids school said yes they will look at 2nd choice, specifically if the first choice is a DA major. They told them to put the major they really wanted first to get consideration otherwise it would be harder to get into.

Meaning if you wanted business, put it because if you don’t get DA then you could be pre business.

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I was about to ask the same thing!

I would expect In state to be first
Does anyone else know of majors affect when decisions are to be released

I have 24 !

The ides and horrors of march are approaching like a raincloud to pour my stress and anxiety onto my senior year

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This is what I see on UW website:

Freshman admission to majors

Freshman applicants have three primary pathways to a major: pre-major, direct to major and direct to college. If you indicate a program that has a direct to major or direct to college pathway as your first-choice major, you will be automatically considered for that program. Second-choice majors are not considered for direct to major programs.

Literally what how the heck do you have 24-

also that is the biggest mood ever-

Yes so if you put for instance business as your 2nd choice because it has a DA you will not be considered for DA for business.

With students applying to so many more schools each year, I’d expect competitive universities to have to rely even more on waitlists moving forward. You can imagine how difficult it has become for colleges to estimate the yield of a class now (yield = those applicants who accept their offer). UW reported 10,000 more freshman applications this year than last for example. It’s also why many colleges seem to be accepting a higher percentage of their incoming class during a somewhat “binding” early decision period. No, UW does not currently have an early decision, but many others do.

As far as timing- most, if not all, decisions seem to be released together in recent years. There are prior posts w/ more details.

I agree about the waitlisting. I said the same thing back in December when the rampant deferrals started happening. Seems colleges are pushing off more and more students (not denying) in their favor because they don’t want to let them go just in case the numbers don’t pan out. It looks like a constant reshuffling to cover their needs.

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My D22 is from CA and was initially going to stay in state. She applied to 9 schools in CA (Cal, UCLA, Irvine, UCSB, Davis, Cal Poly, SDSU, UCSD, and Santa Cruz). Rejected by 4 and waitlisted on 5. Didn’t end up getting into any of them. 4.5 GPA, 12+ AP classes (passed all 6 AP exams she took). EC’s/clubs, travel softball player for years. So obviously felt really bad with the CA results. However, UDub was always a college she liked. Thought the weather would be a big negative (says it’s no so bad now). That being said, really likes it there. Made a good group of friends. Enjoys exploring what Seattle has to offer. Campus is beautiful. Some classes are tough, but has adjusted fairly quickly. Overall, it’s a great choice (out of state tuition is the only draw back).


Last year UDub seemed to fill their spots pretty easily. Not even sure if they took anyone of their waitlist. This college gets a lot of high academic applications (kids who apply to Cal, UCLA, Michigan, Ivy’s, ect
). UDub normally accepts more students based on yield rate. With admission getting tougher everywhere, many students in the past who used UDub as a backup are now accepting admissions. That’s what is so unique about UDub. The 47% accepted number from last year makes it seem easy to get into for high academic kids. However, most who apply have really good resumes.

Yes, agree (my daughter is there now and my son has applied). My D22 had many friends w/ just a few B’s who didn’t get accepted at UW. Especially if they were light on the AP’s. Also, just from an in-state perspective, few students seem to apply if they don’t have really good grades. There are many other less competitive options in-state. OOS acceptance rates will likely drop this year too w/ the significant increase in applications.

We’re getting close now
 good luck to all!

S21 was admitted to UW alternate major with Purple & Gold ($12kl/total), but that may have been since his 1st choice was high demand CS, and it’s extremely difficult for OOS to get CS. The admit letter also said “don’t attend and think you can try again for CS because that hardly ever happens.” He was “high stats” applicant, ended up accepting UCD CS with Regents Scholarship & Honors program because you get priority reg for classes.


Yes I get it UW is definitely a wanted commodity in the college landscape by many. This year has just been astronomical numbers of deferrals compared to years past. USC for example deferred 38,000. UMich also deferred a very large amount.

 last year 2022 UW offered 9450 waitlist status, 5453 accepted the waitlist and 127 were accepted from the waitlist.

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We are out of state and my daughter is a current freshman. She got in to all but 1 of her schools and chose UW and loves it! Housing is not an issue at UW Seattle (and I am hearing that it is a problem at a lot of other schools from my friends). My daughter is choosing to live off campus next year and there are a ton of options.


Thanks for sharing this. Do you folks remember the alternate major he was offered to?

Which major ?

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Does anyone here know How is UW Bothell Campus for CS. Lets say not admitted to CS direct admit at UW Seattle, then is it worth considering UW Bothell pre major over ASU, Oregon State and WSU ?

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If getting a CS degree is an absolute, then consider any college that admits directly. Bothell is perfectly fine. Is it as good as UDub Seattle? Some will say no difference, but there is a difference. I guess the biggest difference is college experience and how much the education cost.

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Yes, they definitely took from their waitlist last year.