University of Wisconsin Deferral Chat 2023

@mvoigt Thank you that is helpful. Do you (or anyone who has info.) think that my SAT score is a “death sentence”? Or could other factors make it possible to get accepted?

UW-Madison’s 2018-19 CDS, just out recently, states that the most important factors are your academic record and essay. GPA, test score and LOR are “important” but not as important as the other two factors.

@JBStillFlying what is academic record is it the course rigor?

@JBStillFlying found it yes you are correct it shows that they put lot of importance on the course rigor and the essays. Interesting!!!

@AAA124555 - my best guess is that “academic record” refers to performance and rigor. GPA simply doesn’t tell the complete story there for a variety of reasons. Level of rigor, trend of grades etc. might be far better predictors of academic success in college than GPA alone.

I really hope they don’t come out during Spring Break. Even if they do, I won’t check my decision until a couple days have passed. Don’t wanna ruin the vacation.

Where did all the hype go? Less than 30 days my dudes!

Does anyone know when decisions came our last year?

@Bigbird77 I believe Friday, March 16th

Already March 4th, meaning hopefully we only need to wait a week or two more. I was deferred out of state with a 32 super score on the ACT, legacy (my dad went and I wrote a lot about it in my supplement) and lots of ECs. I also wrote them a first choice email and in my mid-year report, I thoroughly updated them about my new internships, new job, and classes. I have had a horrible college process so far, rejected from my dream school and my third choice and deferred from all my targets. It has been ROUGH. Fingers crossed that I get in, it will make all the suffering worth it.

@bernzzz22 Rooting for you! Sorry this hasn’t been the best experience. It has been a different ride in our house too for one of my kiddos than he expected. Good luck!

@bernzzz22 Oh my goodness GOOD LUCK!! It just breaks my heart to see kids work so hard and then not get what they had hoped for. Hope Madison (or some other great school) works out for you!

Thank you so much! Best of luck to your son. I hope everything works out, for both of us

@sunnryz you’re too kind. thank you so much. i will keep u updated!

Would they bump the release date forward to the 15th then? I was just assuming the 22nd or 29th would be when they release.

I don’t think they would go past the 15th because housing opens april 1st so it would be unfair to give us a week to find a roommate and do everything else for housing

Housing is done in a lottery in June so you will have a whole month to finalize your rankings. You can be researching dorms anytime online and make choices now, revising them by the end of May. The lottery includes all so it does not matter when you are accepted.

Did anyone else get a new box next to the deferred message in the student center?

yes everyone did

I just got on my school’s varsity tennis team, does anyone know where to add that in the student center?