University of Wisconsin Dorms

<p>Just wondering how the dorms are in general at UW. Are they clean, comfortable, and what are the rooms like? Thanks!</p>

<p>Go to the UW Housing site. Has all the info. All are livable. New are nicer.Very old are nice too.</p>

<p>Well maintained, cleaned et al. Res Halls keeps all dorms up to the same standard. Preferences in style and location will dictate your choice (and budget). Can’t guarantee students won’t be messy, however.</p>

<p>How’s Sullivan’s substance-free option? It’s important to me personally.</p>

<p>Great location near lake. probably more studious’ Older but nice. Big new cafeteria nearby.</p>

<p>Aeharding, you might want to call the U. or check the website, but I believe that at least one floor (more if there is demand for it) on a Lakeshore dorm is substance-free. For 2009-2010 it was Cole Hall, which is where D2 lived. It fit her very well. For the next school year, it moved somewhere else.</p>


<p>My daughter stayed in Chadbourne her freshman year partially for it’s ‘less partying’ reputation compared to the Southeast Mega Dorms. She also like the location which is GREAT, especially for a Physch/Com Arts Major. She all liked the fact that you can essentially ‘pick’ your roommate if you want to since it is a ‘residential college’ (not sure if that is true for all of them). She knew a girl slightly from another highschool near by and they both chose each other I guess you would say. </p>

<p>It worked well for her. She said occasionally she could tell someone in the lobby, elevator, or on her floor had been drinking, but never to the point of getting sick in the halls, being stupid, etc… </p>

<p>Chad also has some great extra programing going on too to help build a bond among your peers. </p>

<p>Good Luck,</p>


<p>I lived in Chadbourne as well, good choice if you want to be in a central location to State Street/shopping/restaurants as well as classes. There’s definitely less of a party reputation than the other dorms and I would definitely recommend it. Drinking does happen, but it’s much less in your face than other dorms. The substance free dorm also does move from year to year, but I think it’s always in Lakeshore. All the dorms are clean and livable however, even the really old ones.</p>

<p>I know this sounds bad, but what are the dorms with the biggest partying reputation? I want to keep up on my studies but let’s be honest, I still want to experience that part of the college life.</p>

<p>Rohde84, don’t worry, if that’s what you’re looking for it will find you almost no matter what dorm you’re in. Most freshmen at UW-Madison learn to balance studying/partying–the ones who don’t usually end up going home.</p>

<p>Rohde 84,</p>

<p>Southeast is much better for the social aspect than Lakeshore. Within Southeast, Sellery and Witte are the biggest party dorms. I currently live in Sellery, which I believe is much better than Witte (****ty Witte). You will love the atmosphere in Sellery if you want to party and be very social, but it comes with some disadvantages… not being able to study very well (go to the library), puke in the bathroom every weekend, destructive drunk people, and being “made fun of” for not choosing to go out if it’s a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night. It’s definitely a great experience though.</p>

<p>Dorms are great. Choose Bradley.</p>

<p>Sellery and Witte are exactly the same. Just so you know. Same buildings, same everything except one (Sellery) is a block closer to classes. They also fit 2,000 people between them both and if you list them as your first two choices you will most likely get one. They’re sort of known for being the party dorms, but everyone here has to study, so on weekdays it’s fairly quiet, and there are lots of study spots, both in and out of the dorms. I lived in Witte for a semester and I thought it was a good basic UW-Madison college freshman experience dorm. There’s a good deal of partying that goes on there, but it’s a work-hard play-hard kind of deal.</p>

<p>So which dorms would you guys say are most similar in aspect to Chadbourne? Ideally I’d like to live there, or at least in the southeast area, so I can experience the social aspect when I want, yet not be in the midst of it as if I were living in Sellery/Witte.
Do Barnard/Smith/Ogg really have that many upperclassmen? And would you be more likely to get a double than single room?
Also do Cole/Phillips/Slichter/Kronshage have any kind of reputation?</p>

<p>Roxsox, if you see this-- since you lived in Witte where there is also a smaller learning community, do you have any thoughts about how students in those smaller communities connect with non-learning community students?</p>

<p>My son wants the Sellery-type work hard, play hard experience but is also a bit interested in the new creative arts community in Sellery. Although that community will be one floor, he thinks it could be isolated from everything else going on.</p>

<p>Do you have any experience from Witte and the smaller learning community there?</p>

<p>Thanks, from a parent of incoming freshman</p>

<p>I am very interested in living close to all the action and I do like to party, however, I don’t think I want to be in either the Witte or Sellery halls because I’d probably lose academic interest/ don’t like puke in the bathroom. So, what halls would you recommend for me considering that I like to party but want to stay in a clean, nice, residence hall? If there is even such a thing…</p>

<p>All the dorms are clean. I lived in Witte. There wasn’t puke in the bathrooms. Sellery and Witte aren’t fancy, but they are clean and perfectly fine. They’re just basic. I wouldn’t worry about losing academic interest, everyone who goes to this school has to study really intensely. It’s up to you, but you can’t really beat Sellery and Witte if you want the traditional college freshman experience. Some other alternatives though might be Ogg or Smith (nice, but expensive, moderate partying, more sophomores than other dorms), Chadbourne (not a party dorm, but has nice facilities and good location), or Barnard (similar to Chadbourne but older, though has bigger rooms/singles).</p>

<p>What is the reputation for Bradley? Anyone?</p>

<p>Very popular as a living-learning dorm.</p>