University of Wisconsin Greek life

Hello, I was wondering how Greek life is at UWM? Is it difficult to manage time? And what is the average cost to live in a house plus dues?


Here are last year’s sorority fees. I’m not sure about fraternities.

Cost varies – there are annual dues, and then cost of living in-house, and meals, all of which vary by chapter/house. Many (if not most) students move “off” campus after freshman year, and if they are involved in greek life, it is pretty typical to live in house sophomore/junior year. Room and meal costs can be cheaper than usual apartment life, at least on the fraternity side, cannot speak to sorority side.

As for managing the time commitment, that’s up to the individual student – it can drive your gpa down or help lift it up, depending on your choices. “Humo” – Humorology – is the big fundraiser where sororities/fraternities pair up and perform (as well as write, choreograph etc.) 20 minute musical comedies. They all perform in late fall, and the top 6 or so are chosen to go onto to hone the shows and compete in the spring. A great activity, great bonding, but definitely a big time commitment as you get closer to show time. Greek life does not dominate UW social life – it is there for the people who choose it, but not noticed by the other 90% of the student body.

Thank you so much!!! @UWprincess @Midwestmomofboys I appreciate your responses :slight_smile:

btw- it’s just UW. UWM refers to the UW system campus in Milwaukee.

The vast majority of students ignore Greek life- less than 10% involvement typically.

I think you would want to be a student on campus before deciding if Greek life is wanted. The campus culture means so much to do without it. Many country and world wide alumni connections possible, no need for being in that system for a sense of belonging.

As above poster states. Students often live off campus, usually in privately owned apartments after their first (or second year). Many of these are contiguous with the campus and close to classes- closer than most of the also privately owned Greek houses on Langdon in fact.

Make your college decision first and foremost on the academics- your education matters most. There will be an appropriate social life at UW for many lifestyles.

Whoops, I’ve been referring to it as UWM. Thanks for letting me know!

And you’re right, I should just focus on academics. I appreciate your input :slight_smile: