University of Wisconsin! I need helppppp Chance me!

SAT 1420/1600 (math 800)
SAT math2 790/800
AP Calculus BC 4/5
international student

But the problem is that my GPA is super low. I went to one of the toughest high school (it’s not international school) in my country and it’s just normal for my school to have low GPA. My school doesn’t even have a GPA system but if I convert my high school reports to GPA, it will below 2.0 or around 2.0. I started to study for colleges in the U.S. when I was senior in high school so I only had a year left to study whole different thing and I took GED to cover up my low GPA but I have no idea what I should do…
If i ever convert my GED score, it’s 3.6

Major: applied mathematics/Mathematics

I applied to
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Do you guys think I have any chance to get into one of the colleges I applied to with my low GPA?

Being a top/toughest/et al HS anywhere does not mean you should not be able to do well. If you think your gpa would convert to a 2.0 = C where 4.0 = A in the US that means you are indeed not learning the material for college admissions. This does not make sense when you have stellar test scores AND you state most others also get similar grades.

You need to talk to those in charge at your HS and find out how they have evaluated your grades and courses for US colleges. They will explain their grading system and the significance of what you think are low grades.

There is no way I or others can tell you your chances without knowing how your grades are in US terms. I am totally unfamiliar with “IELTS” as well.

Your grades could be low because you underperform. This could mean you are not prepared for any of the above U’s. Partly because you have never developed the required study habits plus you do not have a solid knowledge and skills base for college.

UW expects students to take the most rigorous curriculum they can handle that is offered to them and it expects students to do well.

Time for that visit to your student center/see your guidance counselor to sort out what it all means. They can also tell you your chances in at one of your home country’s colleges.

Go to UW Center Wausau or Madison College. get 4.0 and transfer to Madison