University of Wisconsin/Madison classs2024

Does anyone know when the EA decisions will be released?

Last year it was Friday Dec 21 late evening into early morning (though I suspect portals were updated all at the same time).

Thank you!

All eyes would point towards Friday, Dec 20th and roll out that whole weekend. Last year the decisions WERE released in different batches. It seemed as though in state students got theirs at 7pm Friday night, followed by everyone else on saturday moringing into sunday!

Good Luck

There are 2 threads discussing EA admissions decisions, so I’m posting on both…they’ve started releasing decisions! My daughter’s notification came yesterday, (Saturday, Dec 7) at 8:00 pm. She’s been accepted as an out-of-state athletic recruit. Good luck to all!

@LolliCoomassie did you get an email? You mean early action not early decision? Could you of gotten something because she is an athlete versus regular ?

She got it early because of being a recruit.

My daughter is also a recruit and received her decision via the portal on November 2nd. So I believe the athletes are notified on a rolling basis vs. the general applicants.

@mamom2018 That must have been great to receive the decision so early! Will our girls be on the same team? my daughter is an open weight rower.

Not the same team, but same boat house! She is going to cox for the light weight team :slight_smile:

I want to know my decision so badly agh!!!