Unsure on formatting the activities section.

<p>I'm a little bit unsure on how I should be formatting the activities section of the application, should it just be a brief one paragraph rundown of every club you're a part of + leadership position, no frills, or a longer, multi-paragraphed description which provides more detail? Right now I have 120 words, cumulatively for all the sections of the activities portion, which doesn't seem like much at all, especially since I'm a bit naturally, um, loquacious. </p>

<p>Also, I have a resume completed which looks similar to this <a href="http://www.aie.org/find-a-job/write-your-resume/sample-resumes-and-templates/Resume-Sample-High-School-Student-Academic.cfm"&gt;http://www.aie.org/find-a-job/write-your-resume/sample-resumes-and-templates/Resume-Sample-High-School-Student-Academic.cfm&lt;/a>. Should I attach that for the resume portion, even though it already goes over stuff I've already mentioned in the activities section? I've only had one job, so it won't be too much about work experience. Would adding that be overkill?</p>

<p>If anyone could give me insight into how the application should be formatted or give an example, I would be so grateful, thank you in advance! :)</p>

<p>Good questions. I have no clue. </p>

<p>the application doesn’t ask for any particular format so either way should work.</p>

<p>Thanks for the answers, I might call admissions today and see what they are looking for. If they don’t have a definitive answer, I’ll probably just do a detailed response to be safe!</p>

<p>Real quick update, because I know one or two of you may have been wondering as well: I went to the VT information session over the weekend (loved the school, btw!) and I asked the head of the admissions office about this, she said that the activities section can be formatted however you like, if you want to add detail, add detail but if you don’t that’s fine. Also, you can attach a resume similar to the one I linked above if you so choose, it can be uploaded into the resume section.</p>

<p>She basically said that there’s really no club or activity that they don’t know about or at least have heard of, so detail isn’t necessary (honestly I would include it but that’s just me). They’ll take whatever you give them.</p>

<p>For my application I wrote mainly about things that I’d put a lot of time and effort into, and that meant something to me. I honestly think they just want to see that you’re able to write. * I was accepted yesterday as a Biosciences major! (through the Fall Visitation program), * Best of luck!</p>