<p>Anyone else applying to UofT's DEEP (Da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program) Summer Program? What stream are you applying for? I'm applying for Robotics :D</p>
<p>**Didn't want to post this on the Summer Programs forum cause almost everyone there is from the US..</p>
<p>Ooooh I went there last year (I did Biomed). The design week was probably the best week.</p>
<p>It was an AMAZING experience, and I got to meet people from around the world! Their courses are really cool too, and you get to work with lots of fancy lab equipment :P</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply! If you don’t mind me asking, what did you do for the design week? And the courses, on a scale from 1-10 how hard were they? Also did you visit places during the courses (firms, labs, etc.) besides the residential field trips?</p>
<p>Sorry for all of the questions, I’m just SUPER excited
Mailing in my app tomorrow~</p>
<p>My design week was basically trying to come up with a cure for cancer XD
Basically we got to extract compounds and then test them on cultures of breast cancer cells to see their effect. The thing about design week was that it was a lot less structured (at least in my case). While we still had some lectures, the main focus was researching and designing an experiment. We had to do a lot of research (e.g. to come up with procedures, to explain our results), although we got some guidance from the instructor.</p>
<p>Hmmm the courses I would say are probably around a 6? It really depends on who you get as your instructor though. Usually during the lectures there’s some really basic stuff (around 10%) that most people know already, and then 40% of stuff is relatively straightforward, and easy to learn. Around 30% of the stuff is confusing, but maybe half of the people will still grasp the ideas, and then around 20% is REALLY confusing unless you had prior knowledge about it. As long as you actively pay attention though, following along isn’t hard.</p>
<p>We got to work in the U of T labs as part of our course, and some groups also got field trips. I think the MBA stream went on some sort of field trip to a company (not too sure, but they did go on a trip), in one of my weeks I went to visit the super fancy biology labs that U of T has (that we weren’t allowed to use), and I know the people taking the solar panel course got to visit a solar farm.</p>
<p>It’ll be so much fun :)</p>
<p>Thanks for the info~ Can’t wait!</p>
<p>@MIThopeful20 I attended DEEP Robotics last year! Just wondering…do we probably know each other? </p>
<p>@BeyondTheSky Haha, I was one of the few girls there for all 4 weeks so you might know me. Did you stay for the whole program?</p>
<p>@MIThopeful20 … I was one of the few girls there too, for ALL FOUR WEEKS 
OMG! I know who you are! The username should’ve given it away a long time ago!</p>