Up close look at engineering facilities

<p>We have already done the 'regular' tour of VT and my son has applied. Now we would like to be able to see the engineering dept. in particular and ask some questions about aerospace. What is the best way to do that? We could not attend the engineering open house this fall due to conflicts. Any other way to check things out? I did send an email to the dept. but did not get a response. Thanks. My son has great stats so I'm not concerned about him getting in as how the aerospace dept. compares with the other schools on our radar. We are Virginia residents so I know the reputation the school has for engineering.</p>

<p>Who in the department did you email? I’m surprised you didn’t get a response. Generally they’ll go head over heels for anyone who shows interest in a particular program. You could try giving them a call ((540) 231-6611 ) and letting them know you’re interested in a tour of their facilities. I’d be shocked if they didn’t set you up with one.</p>

<p>Thanks Chuy. I’ll try that number.</p>