Up your score book

<p>Does anyone have an educated opinion about the book, Up Your Score-The Underground Guide To The SAT</p>

<p>Bump. Little help</p>

<p>No, but I know Kaplan’s SAT 2400 is great.</p>

<p>i have that book</p>

<p>it is pointless.</p>

<p>i agree with stephen</p>

<p>every book is useful if you know how to use it. any way, no book is going to get you magically to a 2400 unless you’re already in the >2250 region. in which case, books aren’t necessary are they? </p>

<p>dump everything except CB stuff.</p>

<p>i read it for about an hour in b&n and found it was kind-of basic stuff about test-taking that everyone knows already. definitely not as good as pr and the standard stuff.</p>

<p>btw, up your score also doesn’t have many sample questions, and you never know if you really learend the material w/o being tested on it. lots of the book is just one long list of words.</p>

<p>I looked thru it and thought there was some useful stuff in there so I bought it for my daughter. I also bought the College Board book to go along with it. Oh well, I guess I’ll let her decide if she wants to use the tips in there or not.</p>

<p>^ the tips are good, they can just be found in other places as well.</p>