<p>Can anyone explain to me what the new updates are that some people have been talking about... like Dean's Corner? And a completely new design? </p>
<p>Mine's still oldschool and my things aren't updated... it's been the same since I got the damn thing. I wish at least my message board would change!</p>
<p>haha i just said they changed the picture of hte dean in his “corner” … i said dean’s corner but the actual title is “a message from the dean of admissions” or something of hte like haha. And they added specifications to the portal… but i amsure you have that as well… everyone does</p>
<p>Ya I don’t see a picture of anybody on mine. </p>
<p>The only thing I noticed that’s different is it tells you that there’s like system requirements for the Portal or something. I’m pretty sure I meet them though, I have the most updated Internet Explorer and stuff…</p>
<p>anyone else noticed the site can’t be accessed right now? or, is it just me? I was trying to get in to the undergrad admissions section of penn’s site, but the page can’t be displayed. I might be just having some weird issues. I don’t know.</p>
<p>i have nothing new…there’s only 2 tabs and 2 lists on mine. that’s IT. dude i don’t even have the “other materials” section (been complaining about this for ~1 1/2 week now)…let alone having a new look for the Portal</p>
<p>Yea, I’m concluding that we should just disregard the Portal. It’s my understanding that something is new… is it the Portal itself that is new or is there some new way of managing the applications that is new? </p>
<p>If there’s a problem, they’ll let us know… so they’ve told me all of the 50,000 times I’ve called asking about why my things aren’t being acknowledged as sent.</p>
<p>the bottom right corner, the “welcome from the dean of admission’s” picture was changed and i forgot what else he said changed. i don’t think he/she meant that anything on the penn portal changed.</p>