Updated school recommendations.

<p>ACT: 27 (11 essay)
GPA: 4.13 W, 3.4 UW
Rank: Top 6%
IB course (toughest course)</p>

<p>Good extra activities such as drumline, NHS...</p>

<p>Can you guys list some good business schools that I might be able to get in?</p>


<p>I am not a URM...recruit....legacy....</p>

<p>I am a resident of Texas</p>

<p>Match - SMU/Cox and they are a top 20 BBA program according to BusinessWeek. Note though that you have to have a 3.2 at the end of your sophomore year at SMU to get into Cox. You would not be admitted under the BBA scholars program.</p>

<p>Think Texas A&M if you want to stay in state...UT/McCombs is selective to their major and A&M/Mays isn't a terrible school. Not on the level of McCombs or even Cox, but decent still. A&M would be a safety.</p>

<p>Otherwise, perhaps apply for Colorado. It's a match and if I remember right, they do have some scholarship money for the top 25% of the out of state applicants, which you might or might not qualify for. Leeds provides internship opportunities in Denver, which is growing fast.</p>

<p>He should get into McCombs shouldnt he? Especially since he is in-state?</p>

<p>I thought excel was applying Wharton ED?</p>

<p>Arizona has the #18 ranked business school, and ASU is 26th....look into both of those. Not only will you be a direct admit, but i think you'll get some scholarship money.</p>

<p>McCombs is a maybe. If he were to increase his ranked to top 3% he would get in no question, but typically the cutoff is 3-3.5% and 6% is cutting it close. Since 75% is decided by that formula and the other 25% is decided by high SAT/ACT scores, ECs, and leadership he may have some trouble.</p>

<p>not to mention all the beautiful girls...asu is usually ranked as one of the best party schools in the country and u of a isnt too far behind.</p>

<p>i always thought that the bschool at asu was better though?</p>

<p>mahras2: I was thinking of wharton ED, but honestly, I would have no chance and I dont think I would enjoy a school of nerds.</p>

<p>ASU & Arizona may be ranked high, but a degree from either one doesn't look very impressive. Maybe within Arizona.</p>

<p>what are some competitive schools that I can look at that may be in reach.</p>

<p>I am not a fan of ASU & Arizona.</p>

<p>As of now, I am going to apply to SMU and UT-Austin becuase they will be my safties.</p>

<p>im from arizona and personally think that asu and u of a are great schools. i would actually want to go there if i wasnt from here. but i want to try somthing differnt and go out of state.</p>

<p>you might want to look into the california schools, ucla, berkley, ponoma, clairmont, ect.</p>

<p>uwash seattle might be a match saftey for you. there business school is preaty well respected in washignton state and the northwest.</p>

<p>UT Austins' girls > ASUs' girls. ;)</p>

<p>Anyway I would also consider USC and Emory as your stats are about match/slight reach for both.</p>

He should get into McCombs shouldnt he? Especially since he is in-state?


<p>Eh, UT has to accept all top 10% in-state students. That doesn't mean they have to give him the program of his choice.</p>

<p>And I concur with grandpabuzz, UT Austin girls > ASU girls
BUT SMU girls > UT girls</p>

<p>Would NYU be a good school to consider?</p>

<p>I was thinking of NYU, UT, Michigan.</p>

<p>Your rank as it stands right now will definitely keep you out of McCombs, but you can always try to internal transfer in.</p>

<p>NYU is a pretty good school, and Michigan is great (dunno if you'll get into Ross but worth a shot)</p>

<p>I wouldnt listen to dcfca if he says that NYU is only a pretty good school.</p>

<p>would have have good chances of getting in to those schools?</p>

<p>I honestly think that you have almost no shot at the business school's at all 3. I I were you, I would apply to Umich or UT as an Econ major and transfer to the business school after two years, but still apply to UT-Mccombs.</p>

<p>Texas actually has a few great schools right there, as have been stated, UT Austin, SMU, and Texas A&M. USC would be a good southwest private that is normally ranked high among business schools. If you are still comfortable with an eastern school, UVa and UNC are great, although somewhat difficult for out of state. </p>

<p>ASU girls>all, if you don't agree, take up your concerns with playboy magazine lol.</p>

ASU girls>all, if you don't agree, take up your concerns with playboy magazine lol.


<p>LOL Hugh Heffner is getting feeble in his old age. :D</p>

<p>UVA and UNC have crazy OOS acceptance rates. Apply, but the odds aren't great. USC is a good school. If you want a small school, Washington & Lee in Virginia is one of the few LACs to have a business school.</p>