Updating colleges about gylc nomination

<p>Is this even necessary? It is global and I don't even know how many canadians were nominated, all I know is only around 15 attended last year. I'm not sure if I can even afford to attend, but should I tell them I was nominated? Is even being nominated a big deal? Ps I'm talking about ivies and ucb and ucla and nyu. Thank you :)</p>

<p>Nope, it’s not a big deal. I don’t think it’s worth it to email your colleges.</p>

<p>I got nominated last year and actually attended it during Summer '08. Definitely the best summer of my life. But a lot of people are nominated so it’s not as prestigious as it sounds like. I actually got nominated this year again. I don’t think they know I went last year. :p</p>

<p>Okay thank you! They make it sound so prestigious in the letter! Haha well if I decide to go I’ll let them know I guess</p>

<p>Go anyways. :slight_smile: All of us who attended the session (and my friends who attended the other sessions) had fun. It’s definitely a great experience and I still miss it even though it’s been 6-7 months.</p>

<p>I know i’d love to but my family can’t afford it :frowning: hey did you get your first choice week when you registered? And did you register right after you got the package</p>

<p>Yeah most high school students with decent grades get nominated. I just received their nomination in the mail. No biggy.</p>

<p>Now if you get nominated to play for your national soccer team, that’s a different story.</p>